which pluging would best for accuracy for voice to text in offline mode?

Home Forums OpenEars which pluging would best for accuracy for voice to text in offline mode?

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    I am new to open ears, I need your help to identify which plugin would best for accuracy for voice to text in offline mode? (neatspeech /Rapidears/Rejecto etc.)

    2: for offline mode, is it necessary to add either “text files containing worlds in capitals” or “array of words” in my project?

    if it is necessary than how can I increase accuracy of texts which I get from hypothesis ?

    Please help me,
    Thanks in advance

    Halle Winkler

    Welcome Mahesh,

    I think it would be helpful for you to go through the tutorial to get a sense of how OpenEars works, since there isn’t a way to have accuracy issues yet if you haven’t created a vocabulary for your app: https://www.politepix.com/openears/tutorial

    Let me know if you have specific questions which come up as a result of trying the tutorial, since I think the tutorial will answer the basis functionality questions and then I can probably help with the specifics.

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