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Please give the OpenEars version 1.3.0 Preview a try

15 February
If you’re interested in this, you’ll probably be really interested in this post on OpenEars 1.7’s new API for creating dynamic rules-based grammars from arbitrary input at runtime!

I’m happy to announce that alongside the current 1.2.5 version of OpenEars available on the main OpenEars page, I’ve added a preview version of 1.3.0, which upgrades the Sphinx dependencies from sphinxbase and pocketsphinx .7 up to CMU’s current version .8. This is a test preview, so if you have time, please give it a try and let me know in the forums if you encounter any issues, or if you don’t! Both versions will remain available until there’s feedback that there are no incompatibilities between OpenEars’ customizations and .8. Thanks!
