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  • in reply to: Pocketsphinx 'heard' different to received hypothesis #1022471

    Hello Halle,

    Thanks for your reply!

    I have decided to go back to the previous method of a ‘two phrase’ method. I basically found a cheap cheat to get passed the fact that the hypothesis that i wanted was delivered after i needed it. basically a bool switch that waits for the right hypothesis before it does something with it. Doing this i found that the hypothesis generated from the wav with the second vocabulary usually returns many words from the vocab as opposed to just the one i want. this means that it is useless to do this because it will give me a wrong word that will affect the program before i get the right one.

    for example, when the phrase spoken is “locate white wine”

    hypothesis 1 = “locate white wine”
    “wine” keyword makes the program switch to the wine vocab and rerun voice rec on saved wav, which in turn generates hypothesis 2

    hypothesis 2 = “pink white white”
    I am looking for the word “white” but “pink” is operated on because it is the first word, and i am unable to refine this with various different Rejecto setups.

    But i think i will be able to use the 2 phrase method of,

    user – “locate wine”
    switch to wine vocab
    flite – “any particular type of wine”
    user – “white”
    flite – “follow me to the white wine”

    not a huge drain on user experience really! I think it would be an interesting addition to the SDK though, the ability to run voice recognition on wavs that you have saved through SaveThatWave.

    Thanks for the help!

    in reply to: Pocketsphinx 'heard' different to received hypothesis #1022441

    thanks for the reply,

    from my understanding of OpenEars, i Think that when you speak a sentence the loop detects speech and waits until the end of speech is detected, then it passes the hypothesis to the receiving method. I also think that you can only apply one vocabulary to one phrase at a time, only switching after receiving the hypothesis, then checking for words in the hypothesis to determine what vocabulary change needs to happen.

    so it would be like:

    phrase is spoken,
    hypothesis is received,
    vocab to switch to is determined based on hypothesis,
    vocab is switched,
    user speaks another phrase to be worked on by new vocabulary,
    new words are given in hypothesis,
    world keeps spinning.

    Ive built a test app that works great in this way, but the user is required to speak more than once to get the desired results. what i am trying to do is have it so the user only has to say one phrase which is used to generate multiple hypothesis using various different vocabularies.

    pseudo example:

    commands = [locate, find, bread, wine, fruit]
    breadvocab = [brown, white, wholegrain]
    fruitvocab = [bananas, kiwis, pineapples]
    winevocab = [red, white, pink]

    user says – “locate white wine”

    phrase is recorded into wav at wavPath

    commands vocab is used for first hypothesis generated from [runRecOnWavAt:wavPath with:commandVocabPath]
    hypothesis = “locate wine”

    vocab is now changed to winevocab and we [runRecOnWavAt:wavPath with:wineVocabPath]
    hypothesis = “white” (or pink white white as that phrase usually generates)

    from the one spoken phrase two vocabs were used to find that the user wanted to locate the white wine aisle. In my head this cant be done with the one spoken phrase that the listening loop picks up, because only one vocab is used per phrase/hypothesis? so by using a recorded wav i can check it multiple times with multiple grammars.

    Am i missing something? can the listening loop check with multiple grammars without having to use a wav to save the spoken phrase?


    in reply to: not sure how to use ChangeLanguageModelToFile #1022411

    After looking through the example i modified my code to have a second language model and its paths

    NSString *name = @"commandModel";
        NSError *commandModel = [lmGenerator generateRejectingLanguageModelFromArray:commandVocab withFilesNamed:name withOptionalExclusions:nil usingVowelsOnly:FALSE withWeight:nil forAcousticModelAtPath:[AcousticModel pathToModel:@"AcousticModelEnglish"]];
        NSDictionary *languageGeneratorResults = nil;
        if([commandModel code] == noErr)
            languageGeneratorResults = [commandModel userInfo];
    // not sure if i need these file vars as they are not in the tutorial but are in the demo app
            lmFile = [languageGeneratorResults objectForKey:@"LMFile"];
            dicFile = [languageGeneratorResults objectForKey:@"DictionaryFile"];
            lmPath = [languageGeneratorResults objectForKey:@"LMPath"];
            dicPath = [languageGeneratorResults objectForKey:@"DictionaryPath"];
            NSLog(@"Error: %@",[commandModel localizedDescription]);
        NSString *name1 = @"BreadModel";
        NSError *breadModel = [lmGenerator generateRejectingLanguageModelFromArray:breadVocab withFilesNamed:name1 withOptionalExclusions:nil usingVowelsOnly:FALSE withWeight:nil forAcousticModelAtPath:[AcousticModel pathToModel:@"AcousticModelEnglish"]];
        NSDictionary *breadlanguageGeneratorResults = nil;
        if([breadModel code] == noErr)
            breadlanguageGeneratorResults = [commandModel userInfo];
            breadlmFile = [breadlanguageGeneratorResults objectForKey:@"LMFile"];
            breaddicFile = [breadlanguageGeneratorResults objectForKey:@"DictionaryFile"];
            breadlmPath = [breadlanguageGeneratorResults objectForKey:@"LMPath"];
            breaddicPath = [breadlanguageGeneratorResults objectForKey:@"DictionaryPath"];
            NSLog(@"Error: %@",[breadModel localizedDescription]);

    then when i want to change the model i call this

    [pocketsphinxController changeLanguageModelToFile:breadlmPath withDictionary:breaddicPath];

    not a lot different from the demo app yet the model doesn’t get changed and the model changed delegate method doesn’t get called. any ideas?


    in reply to: followed tutorial, not working for me #1022327

    well it works! I completely copy and pasted the tutorial and it worked perfectly! I didnt’ think I needed to create those instance variables in the .h file and synthesize them in the .m, but I guess I needed to! How come you have to do it this way instead of just referencing the properties? I’ve seen it work fine for other things, for example, Apples Location Manager class. You create a property of a LocationManager, then you can set the class you are working on as the delegate and reference it as self.LocationManager or _LocationManager and it works fine without having to create the ivars or synthesize them. I guess they are completey differnt classes though!

    Thanks for the help!

    in reply to: followed tutorial, not working for me #1022325

    ok, i’ll copy and paste the tutorial and see how i get on. Is this line the correct way to start the verbosePocketSphinx logging?

    pocketSphinxController.verbosePocketSphinx = true;


    in reply to: followed tutorial, not working for me #1022323

    hey Halle, thanks for your replies. I’ve updated my code a little, to closer match the tutorial. Also I am not sure what you mean by ivars?

    the delegate methods are still in my code but i didn’t post them just to make the code shorter. also i turned on verbosePocketSphinx (i think) and the logging output is the same as when only using [OpenEarLogging startOpenEarsLogging].

    header file

    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
    #import <OpenEars/PocketsphinxController.h>
    #import <OpenEars/AcousticModel.h>
    #import <OpenEars/OpenEarsEventsObserver.h>

    @interface SpeechViewController : UIViewController <OpenEarsEventsObserverDelegate>
    PocketsphinxController *pocketSphinxController;
    OpenEarsEventsObserver *openEarsEventObserver;

    @property (strong, nonatomic) PocketsphinxController *pocketSphinxController;
    @property (strong, nonatomic) OpenEarsEventsObserver *openEarsEventObserver;

    @property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *resultsLabel;

    – (IBAction)talkButton:(id)sender;



    #import “SpeechViewController.h”
    #import <OpenEars/LanguageModelGenerator.h>
    #import <OpenEars/OpenEarsLogging.h>

    @interface SpeechViewController () <OpenEarsEventsObserverDelegate>


    @implementation SpeechViewController

    @synthesize pocketSphinxController;
    @synthesize openEarsEventObserver;

    – (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

    [openEarsEventObserver setDelegate:self];

    pocketSphinxController.verbosePocketSphinx = true;

    [OpenEarsLogging startOpenEarsLogging];

    – (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

    – (PocketsphinxController *)pocketSphinxController
    if (pocketSphinxController == nil)
    pocketSphinxController = [[PocketsphinxController alloc] init];

    return pocketSphinxController;

    – (OpenEarsEventsObserver *)openEarsEventObserver
    if (openEarsEventObserver == nil)
    openEarsEventObserver = [[OpenEarsEventsObserver alloc] init];

    return openEarsEventObserver;

    – (IBAction)talkButton:(id)sender

    LanguageModelGenerator *LangGen = [[LanguageModelGenerator alloc] init];

    NSArray *words = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@”HELLO WORLD”, @”HELLO”, @”WORLD”, @”TEST”, @”SPEECH”, @”LOCATION”, nil];
    NSString *name = @”LangModelName”;
    NSError *err = [LangGen generateLanguageModelFromArray:words withFilesNamed:name forAcousticModelAtPath:[AcousticModel pathToModel:@”AcousticModelEnglish”]];

    NSDictionary *languageGeneratorResults = nil;

    NSString *lmPath = nil;
    NSString *dicPath = nil;

    if ([err code] == noErr)
    languageGeneratorResults = [err userInfo];

    lmPath = [languageGeneratorResults objectForKey:@”LMPath”];
    dicPath = [languageGeneratorResults objectForKey:@”DictionaryPath”];
    NSLog(@”Error: %@”, [err localizedDescription]);

    //[openEarsEventObserver setDelegate:self];

    [pocketSphinxController startListeningWithLanguageModelAtPath:lmPath dictionaryAtPath:dicPath acousticModelAtPath:[AcousticModel pathToModel:@”AcousticModelEnglish”] languageModelIsJSGF:NO];


    – (void)pocketsphinxDidReceiveHypothesis:(NSString *)hypothesis recognitionScore:(NSString *)recognitionScore utteranceID:(NSString *)utteranceID
    NSLog(@”The Recieved Hypothesis is %@ with a score of %@ and an ID of %@”, hypothesis, recognitionScore, utteranceID);

    [self.resultsLabel setText:hypothesis];


    2014-08-21 10:03:46.900 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Starting OpenEars logging for OpenEars version 1.7 on 32-bit device: iPad running iOS version: 7.100000
    2014-08-21 10:03:49.715 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] acousticModelPath is /var/mobile/Applications/7E1E39CB-4194-4F73-B3FC-8997C8C161A0/
    2014-08-21 10:03:49.800 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Starting dynamic language model generation
    2014-08-21 10:03:49.806 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Able to open /var/mobile/Applications/7E1E39CB-4194-4F73-B3FC-8997C8C161A0/Library/Caches/LangModelName.corpus for reading
    2014-08-21 10:03:49.809 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Able to open /var/mobile/Applications/7E1E39CB-4194-4F73-B3FC-8997C8C161A0/Library/Caches/LangModelName_pipe.txt for writing
    2014-08-21 10:03:49.811 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Starting text2wfreq_impl
    2014-08-21 10:03:49.834 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Done with text2wfreq_impl
    2014-08-21 10:03:49.836 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Able to open /var/mobile/Applications/7E1E39CB-4194-4F73-B3FC-8997C8C161A0/Library/Caches/LangModelName_pipe.txt for reading.
    2014-08-21 10:03:49.838 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Able to open /var/mobile/Applications/7E1E39CB-4194-4F73-B3FC-8997C8C161A0/Library/Caches/LangModelName.vocab for reading.
    2014-08-21 10:03:49.840 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Starting wfreq2vocab
    2014-08-21 10:03:49.842 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Done with wfreq2vocab
    2014-08-21 10:03:49.844 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Starting text2idngram
    2014-08-21 10:03:49.867 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Done with text2idngram
    2014-08-21 10:03:49.878 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Starting idngram2lm

    2014-08-21 10:03:49.892 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Done with idngram2lm
    2014-08-21 10:03:49.894 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Starting sphinx_lm_convert
    2014-08-21 10:03:49.908 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Finishing sphinx_lm_convert
    2014-08-21 10:03:49.915 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] Done creating language model with CMUCLMTK in 0.114059 seconds.
    2014-08-21 10:03:50.093 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] I’m done running performDictionaryLookup and it took 0.147953 seconds
    2014-08-21 10:03:50.101 OpenEarsTest[192:60b] I’m done running dynamic language model generation and it took 0.384307 seconds

    i doubt it has anything to do with how i imported OpenEars into my project since all the classes and methods are fully visible and showing no errors, but i could be wrong, maybe there is a missing reference to something?

    thanks very much!

    in reply to: followed tutorial, not working for me #1022316

    Thank you! I deleted that Stack post.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)