Reply To: OpenEars/Pocketsphinx turns audio player volume down and won't let go

Home Forums OpenEars OpenEars/Pocketsphinx turns audio player volume down and won't let go Reply To: OpenEars/Pocketsphinx turns audio player volume down and won't let go

Darth Flyeater

I have a background track that starts when the app is launched. There is a toggle button where the user can turn it on or off. I then have an instruction audio track that plays before I have the listening begin. Background sounds and instruction track play at normal volume. When pocket sphinx is calibrated and starts listening, the background track volume is cut at least in half (but continues to play). The active listening works perfectly at that point (even with the background track still playing). I then have kudos audio play if the correct word is recognized. This also works perfectly and doesn’t care if listening is active or suspended (I’ve tried both ways). However, this volume is also reduced. The only way to get the volume back to normal is to exit the app completely and restart. I have an exit button which takes you back to the start scene (which has no listening, just a title and a start button along with the background track still playing), but the volume remains degraded.

Since other users are reporting that avaudioplayer should work with openears, I think I’ll make a test app with nothing but my background track and openears to see if I can get it to work.