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I have speech recognition now working with large lm. My app is designed to start speech recognition when user presses button and stop when hypothesis is retuned. In code below I am doing resumeRecognition and suspendRecognition. I then do multiple speaks via Flite.
1. From the log below it appears that every time Flite has finished speaking – Pocketsphinx has resumed recognition. Is there a way to prevent this?
2. From the log below I use Flite to say “error netfor: hand”. Then “Love”. And finally “Thirty”. I only hear “error netfor: hand”. Is there away to wait after each phase to make sure speech is complete as there is using Google TTS?
3. I am using speech punctuation “:” is this any problem with Flite?

**************************** xcode log *********************************
2015-01-08 05:54:25.777 MTC[1257:91066] MTC button pressed.
2015-01-08 05:54:26.026 MTC[1257:91066] MTC button released.
2015-01-08 05:54:26.026 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Pocketsphinx has resumed recognition.
2015-01-08 05:54:26.890 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Pocketsphinx has detected speech.
2015-01-08 05:54:28.307 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Pocketsphinx has detected a second of silence, concluding an utterance.
2015-01-08 05:54:28.313 MTC[1257:91066] MTC to gotWords
2015-01-08 05:54:28.314 MTC[1257:91066] error netfor: hand
2015-01-08 05:54:28.354 MTC[1257:91066] Love
2015-01-08 05:54:28.377 MTC[1257:91066] Thirty
2015-01-08 05:54:28.400 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Pocketsphinx has suspended recognition.
2015-01-08 05:54:28.401 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Flite has started speaking
2015-01-08 05:54:28.401 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Flite has started speaking
2015-01-08 05:54:28.401 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Flite has started speaking
2015-01-08 05:54:28.401 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Pocketsphinx has suspended recognition.
2015-01-08 05:54:28.401 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Pocketsphinx has suspended recognition.
2015-01-08 05:54:28.401 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Pocketsphinx has suspended recognition.
2015-01-08 05:54:29.946 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Flite has finished speaking
2015-01-08 05:54:29.946 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Flite has finished speaking
2015-01-08 05:54:29.946 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Pocketsphinx has resumed recognition.
2015-01-08 05:54:29.946 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Pocketsphinx has resumed recognition.
2015-01-08 05:54:30.100 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Pocketsphinx has detected speech.
2015-01-08 05:54:30.758 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Flite has finished speaking
2015-01-08 05:54:30.759 MTC[1257:91066] Local callback: Pocketsphinx has resumed recognition.

****************** in didViewLoad ***************************

// This is how to start the continuous listening loop of an available instance of OEPocketsphinxController.

[OEPocketsphinxController sharedInstance].returnNullHypotheses = TRUE;

[[OEPocketsphinxController sharedInstance] setActive:TRUE error:nil];

if(![OEPocketsphinxController sharedInstance].isListening) {
[[OEPocketsphinxController sharedInstance] startListeningWithLanguageModelAtPath:self.pathToFirstDynamicallyGeneratedLanguageModel dictionaryAtPath:self.pathToFirstDynamicallyGeneratedDictionary acousticModelAtPath:[OEAcousticModel pathToModel:@”AcousticModelEnglish”] languageModelIsJSGF:FALSE];

// Start speech recognition if we aren’t already listening.

[self startDisplayingLevels];

// This suspends listening without ending the recognition loop

[[OEPocketsphinxController sharedInstance] suspendRecognition];

************************* end didViewLoad

– (IBAction)buttonDown:(id)sender {

NSLog(@” MTC button pressed.”);


– (IBAction)buttonUp:(id)sender {

NSLog(@” MTC button released.”);


[OEPocketsphinxController sharedInstance].returnNullHypotheses = TRUE;

[[OEPocketsphinxController sharedInstance] resumeRecognition];


-(void) handleLongPress : (id)sender
//Long Press done by the user

NSLog(@” MTC long press”);


– (void)speakWithNSString:(NSString *)text {

self.fliteController = [[OEFliteController alloc] init];
self.slt = [[Slt alloc] init];



[self.fliteController say:[NSString stringWithFormat:@” %@”,text] withVoice:self.slt];

– (void)myLogWithNSString:(NSString *)text {


– (void) pocketsphinxDidReceiveHypothesis:(NSString *)hypothesis recognitionScore:(NSString *)recognitionScore utteranceID:(NSString *)utteranceID {

// This suspends listening without ending the recognition loop

[[OEPocketsphinxController sharedInstance] suspendRecognition];

NSLog(@” MTC to gotWords”);

MTCccActivity *theInstance = [MTCccActivity getInstance];
[theInstance gotWordsWithNSString:hypothesis];}
