Reply To: Not able to start speech recognition

Home Forums OpenEars Not able to start speech recognition Reply To: Not able to start speech recognition

Halle Winkler

It’s this:

self.pathToFirstDynamicallyGeneratedLanguageModel = [self.languageModelGenerator pathToSuccessfullyGeneratedGrammarWithRequestedName:@”FirstOpenEarsDynamicLanguageModel”];
self.pathToFirstDynamicallyGeneratedDictionary = [self.languageModelGenerator pathToSuccessfullyGeneratedGrammarWithRequestedName:@”FirstOpenEarsDynamicLanguageModel”]; //FOEDLM

The first one is your grammar, so it should be pathToSuccessfullyGeneratedGrammarWithRequestedName. The second one is your dictionary, so it should be pathToSuccessfullyGeneratedDictionaryWithRequestedName. Since they are both set to pathToSuccessfullyGeneratedGrammarWithRequestedName, the engine starts up trying to use your grammar as the grammar, and then trying to use your grammar as the dictionary, which is why it complains about words being missing from the dictionary.