Reply To: rapidEarsDidDetectLiveSpeechAsWordArray not being called

Home Forums OpenEars plugins rapidEarsDidDetectLiveSpeechAsWordArray not being called Reply To: rapidEarsDidDetectLiveSpeechAsWordArray not being called

Halle Winkler

OK, from the OEPocketsphinxController+RapidEars header and docs:

/** Setting this to true will cause you to receive your hypotheses as separate words rather than a single NSString. This is a requirement for using OEEventsObserver delegate methods that contain timing or per-word scoring. This can't be used with N-best.*/
- (void) setReturnSegments:(BOOL)returnSegments; 
/** Setting this to true will cause you to receive segment hypotheses with timing attached. This is a requirement for using OEEventsObserver delegate methods that contain word timing information. It only works if you have setReturnSegments set to TRUE. This can't be used with N-best.*/
- (void) setReturnSegmentTimes:(BOOL)returnSegmentTimes;