Reply To: Multiple "Audio route has changed" messages?

Home Forums OpenEars Multiple "Audio route has changed" messages? Reply To: Multiple "Audio route has changed" messages?


btw: I noticed that even in this single session I am seeing multiple:

“A request has been made to start a listening session using startListeningWithLanguageModelAtPath:…, however, there is already a listening session in progress which has not been stopped. Please stop this listening session first ”

… excerpt from orig log posted above…

2015-04-15 12:52:42.784 Dict Shun[7247:2374410] Recognition loop has started
2015-04-15 12:52:42.785 Dict Shun[7247:2374238] Pocketsphinx is now listening.
2015-04-15 12:52:42.886 Dict Shun[7247:2374238] A request has been made to start a listening session using startListeningWithLanguageModelAtPath:dictionaryAtPath:acousticModelAtPath:languageModelIsJSGF:, however, there is already a listening session in progress which has not been stopped. Please stop this listening session first with [[OEPocketsphinxController sharedInstance] stopListening]; and wait to receive the OEEventsObserver callback pocketsphinxDidStopListening before starting a new session. You can still change models in the existing session by using OEPocketsphinxController’s method changeLanguageModelToFile:withDictionary:
2015-04-15 12:52:42.987 Dict Shun[7247:2374238] A request has been made to start a listening session using startListeningWithLanguageModelAtPath:dictionaryAtPath:acousticModelAtPath:languageModelIsJSGF:, however, there is already a listening session in progress which has not been stopped. Please stop this listening session first with [[OEPocketsphinxController sharedInstance] stopListening]; and wait to receive the OEEventsObserver callback pocketsphinxDidStopListening before starting a new session. You can still change models in the existing session by using OEPocketsphinxController’s method changeLanguageModelToFile:withDictionary:
2015-04-15 12:52:43.089 Dict Shun[7247:2374238] A request has been made to start a listening session using startListeningWithLanguageModelAtPath:dictionaryAtPath:acousticModelAtPath:languageModelIsJSGF:, however, there is already a listening session in progress which has not been stopped. Please stop this listening session first with [[OEPocketsphinxController sharedInstance] stopListening]; and wait to receive the OEEventsObserver callback pocketsphinxDidStopListening before starting a new session. You can still change models in the existing session by using OEPocketsphinxController’s method changeLanguageModelToFile:withDictionary:
2015-04-15 12:52:43.912 Dict Shun[7247:2374353] Speech detected…
2015-04-15 12:52:43.912 Dict Shun[7247:2374238] Pocketsphinx has detected speech.
2015-04-15 12:52:44.886 Dict Shun[7247:2374353] End of speech detected…
2015-04-15 12:52:44.887 Dict Shun[7247:2374238] Pocketsphinx has detected a period of silence, concluding an utterance.