Reply To: Can't see RapidEars version in logs

Home Forums OpenEars plugins Can't see RapidEars version in logs Reply To: Can't see RapidEars version in logs

Halle Winkler

Hi guys,

I’m fairly sure that the reason darasan didn’t have the logging output was because the excerpted log output section precedes the initialization of RapidEars’ methods, and evilliam, plugin version logging in OELogging was only added in RapidEars 2.5 so you would not have any under any circumstances except with 2.5 or later plugins.

There is a mysterious console bug in which a great deal of other simultaneous logging can “squash” RapidEars version output logging, but the info available in this post doesn’t really point to that bug. In order to avoid it, just make sure that OELogging is on but verbosePocketsphinx isn’t, and other extraneous app logging isn’t, and you are using a 2.5 or later version of RapidEars. If OELogging reports your OpenEars version as being the current 2.504 version, and RapidEars links and builds with it, that can be assumed to be a 2.5 or later version of RapidEars (it should of course be the most recent version, but I understand that the entire reason you want to see the version output is to verify whether you are using the most recent version :) ).

I’m going to ask that any further discussion in this topic start with OELogging output from the complete app session (but without any other logging) since I think not having it and speculating is probably generating some confusion about causes both within this discussion and probably also for searchers finding this thread while troubleshooting, thanks!