Reply To: Recognize short Command in nonEnglish

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Thank you – also the RuleORama is now performing !

Unfortunately, it still has many false negatives.

Also, one thing I don’t understand is that it often times responds with having recognized the “sentence at question” several times. As can be seen in this log-excert:

2018-04-26 17:12:25.815209+0200 TestOpenEars[1012:281905] Pocketsphinx heard "esch do no frey esch do no frey esch do no frey esch do no frey esch do no frey" with a score of (-130134) and an utterance ID of 19.
Local callback: The received hypothesis is esch do no frey esch do no frey esch do no frey esch do no frey esch do no frey with a score of -130134 and an ID of 19

What could this be ? i.e. Why does the hypothesis contain our “sentence at question” this many times ??