Reply To: Init NeatSpeech: Error: flite_hts_engine: specify models(trees) for each para…

Home Forums OpenEars Init NeatSpeech: Error: flite_hts_engine: specify models(trees) for each para… Reply To: Init NeatSpeech: Error: flite_hts_engine: specify models(trees) for each para…

Halle Winkler


This is happening because you dragged in the voice frameworks, but you didn’t drag in the folder called VoiceData that is also in the demo disk image. So the frameworks are added to your project but the actual voice data is not (those are the models that it is complaining about not having). I can work on returning a more informative error under this circumstance.

When you drag in the VoiceData folder from the disk image, make sure that in the add dialog “Create groups for any added folders” is selected and NOT “Create folder references for any added folders” so that the VoiceData folder models are added at the right location in your bundle, and clean your project before rebuilding to reduce the likelihood of Xcode being spooky. Let me know if that helps.