Reply To: iOS 7 Compatibility

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nvrtd frst

Thanks for the insights Halle. I do use the audio session modes, but what I’m really looking for is noise cancellation because the app plays sounds while it still has to listen for voice commands… If you have any thoughts on noise cancellation other than using VPIO, I’d really appreciate it.

I use the VoiceChat audio session mode with VPIO:

Specify this mode if your app is performing two-way voice communication, such as using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).
When this mode is in use, the device’s tonal equalization is optimized for voice and the set of allowable audio routes is reduced to only those appropriate for voice chat. For use with the AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord audio session category. Apple recommends using the Voice Processing Audio Unit with this mode (see Audio Unit Hosting Guide for iOS).