Reply To: No speech detection after a while, and then crash

Home Forums OpenEars Audio driver issues in combination with AirPlay Reply To: No speech detection after a while, and then crash

Halle Winkler

OK, a quick look at the error you’re getting here:

Makes me think that this is happening when you don’t have connectivity to the network device at the exact moment that the audio unit needs to start.

I would recommend going to’s function:

int32 startRecording(PocketsphinxAudioDevice * audioDevice);

And seeing if you can patch in a test for the airplay connection before this line:

OSStatus startAudioUnitOutputStatus = AudioOutputUnitStart(audioDriver->audioUnit);

which is where the attempt is made to start the audio unit. I don’t have an airplay device so for me to fix it it would have to wait until whatever point in the future I have one.