Reply To: OpenEars reduces sound playback quality

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I extended the logging a bit and recompiled the lib. That’s what I am getting:
2012-09-05 12:29:57.733 Autoradio[5778:707] preferredBufferSize is incorrect, we will change it. Current value: 0.023000
2012-09-05 12:29:57.747 Autoradio[5778:707] PreferredBufferSize is now on the correct setting of 0.128000.
2012-09-05 12:29:57.755 Autoradio[5778:707] preferredSampleRateCheck is incorrect, we will change it. Current value: 44100.000000
2012-09-05 12:29:57.945 Autoradio[5778:707] preferred hardware sample rate is now on the correct setting of 16000.000000.

Sounds like a reduction of hardware sample rate? May I am able to change the check to something like if it is the prefereded kSamplesPerSecond or better or will this block the functionality of OpenEars?