Can vadThreshold be altered while pocketsphinx is listening?

Home Forums OpenEars Can vadThreshold be altered while pocketsphinx is listening?

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    Is it possible to set a different vadThreshold while pocket_sphinx is listening? If not, would suspending and then resuming recognition help?

    My problem is that I have an AVAudioPlayer playing on background, and if I stop PocketSphinx listening before stopping and releasing my AVAudioPlayer object, the app crashes. I have a settings segment for user to change vadThreshold and a ui for displaying the mic input levels. This way, I am planning to let the user configure the best vadThreshold for the user’s current environment at that time.

    Can vadThreshold be changed without stopping PocketSphinx? If not, what would be your advice for handling this particular case.

    Halle Winkler


    My problem is that I have an AVAudioPlayer playing on background, and if I stop PocketSphinx listening before stopping and releasing my AVAudioPlayer object, the app crashes.

    This shouldn’t happen – it’s worth putting some troubleshooting work into it since it will also prevent you from being able to react to route changes or interruptions, as well as this issue with not being able to stop and change OEPocketsphinxController settings.


    Okay, I’m looking into it and will post what I find.

    On the main subject of this thread: Can you please tell if changing vadThreshold while pocketsphinx listens takes effect immediately? Suppose OE starts listening with vadThreshold=2.0. Then all of a sudden with a voice command ‘INCREASE THRESHOLD’, we set vadThreshold to 3.0 by calling the pocketsphinx’s method. Now does this take effect immediately and pocketsphinx resumes listening with vad=3.0? Or would it require another stop/start listening?

    Halle Winkler

    No, setting arguments of Pocketsphinx happens in the process of initializing the engine. Being able to start and stop the engine is a requirement for creating a speech UI.

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