Changing Language Model doesn't work the second time.

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    I’m creating language model files dynamically.

    The first “StartListeningWith…” (Model A) works great with no problem.

    When I “ChangeLanguageModelToFile” (Model B), It changes without a problem also.

    But, when I try to change the Language Model for the second time (to Model C) it starts having recognition problems. It keeps getting empty hypothesis back.

    I’m wondering, is it designed this way, or is it a programming error on my part?

    I tried suspending/resuming while changing language models, etc. I couldn’t get it to work the second time changing around. I’m not using threaded model. If it worked the first time, I don’t see why second time should be a problem.

    Please help. Thank you.


    I seemed to have answered my own question. I had to change LM File names between language models. Thanks.

    Isaac Squires

    Ah! I was having the same problem, I’ll try that out.

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