How can I get 'can' pronounced correctly

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    My app includes cooking recipes. They often have the word “can” in them, e.g. “a can of beans”. However, FliteController is pronouncing it as the common word “can” as in “How can I get…”, which turns out surprisingly different – more like “kn”. I have tried searching the recipes and substituting “can” with combinations like “caan”, caaan”, “kana”, “karn”, “kahn”, but none of those produce a satisfactory pronunciation.
    I have been able to fix other issues like this, for example, I replace “cornflour” with “cornflower”
    Any advice on how I might do this for “can”?

    Halle Winkler

    Hmm, have you tried two words? “CAH ANN” or something along those lines? Alternately, have you tried another voice? That’s actually a bit odd and sounds moderately buggy.


    Its not that odd. If you think about it, when you say the phrase “i can really do that” you pronounce the ‘can’ in a very short ‘cn’ way (regardless of your accent, I think), and its different with “can of beans”. So I wouldn’t really call it a bug – there is no way to differentiate the two unless you go into the complexity of analysing the context. Anyway, your suggestion of “CAH ANN’ works a treat! And in my app, i am more likely to come across the ‘tin’ can that the other one, so i am happy to go with that pronunciation. Thanks.

    Halle Winkler

    Happy it works!

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