Hypothesis recognition scores

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    One more question.  When pocketsphinxDidReceiveHypothesis and pocketsphinxDidReceiveNBestHypothesisArray return, they pass along a hypothesis or hypothoses along with a recognition score.

    What exactly does the recognition score mean?  I’ve seen values from 0 to -8000; I am assuming that a cardinally larger score is a worse match?  e.g., -10 is a more certain match than -100 – is that correct?

    Halle Winkler

    Correct, they are probabilities with zero being certainty. They don’t have an enormous amount of utility (they are very subject to environmental conditions so you can’t use any kind of objective cutoff from session to session in order to say that a probability is too low) but you can compare them to each other within a single session, for instance.

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