Rapid Ears final hypotesis

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  • #1024928

    It’s me again!
    Is there a way to get final hypothesis of all speech from Rapid Ears?

    I checked pocketsphinx and don’t find property or method for this.


    Halle Winkler

    Yes, take a look at the RapidEars documentation or Pocketsphinx+RapidEars.h header so you can see all of the RapidEars methods. You will need to set RapidEars’ finalizeHypothesis property and also add the appropriate OEEventsObserver+RapidEars callback.



    Thanks for reply.

    Sorry, I meant another thing. I have already set FinalizeHypothesis to YES, and also I added code to delegate rapidEarsDidReceiveFinishedSpeechHypothesis. But “rapidEarsDidReceiveFinishedSpeechHypothesis” is called not exactly after user pause his speech, but after some delay (1-2 seconds).

    Is there some other way to get final hypothesis, probably at point when we call pocketsphinx stopListening method?


    Halle Winkler


    But “rapidEarsDidReceiveFinishedSpeechHypothesis” is called not exactly after user pause his speech, but after some delay (1-2 seconds).

    That’s unusual – can you show the full logging with both OELogging and verbosePocketsphinx turned on?


    Here is a log (I stop speaking at “2015-02-23 14:39:24.751”):

    2015-02-23 14:39:13.902 Prompt Smart[4198:1573459] 14:39:13.902 ERROR: [0x19a86d310] AVAudioSessionPortImpl.mm:52: ValidateRequiredFields: Unknown selected data source for Port iPhone –ú–∏–∫—Ä–æ—Ñ–æ–Ω (type: MicrophoneBuiltIn)
    2015-02-23 14:39:13.968 Prompt Smart[4198:1573599] 14:39:13.968 ERROR: [AVAudioSession Notify Thread] AVAudioSessionPortImpl.mm:52: ValidateRequiredFields: Unknown selected data source for Port iPhone –ú–∏–∫—Ä–æ—Ñ–æ–Ω (type: MicrophoneBuiltIn)
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.018 Prompt Smart[4198:1573459] Starting OpenEars logging for OpenEars version 2.03 on 64-bit device (or build): iPhone running iOS version: 8.100000
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.020 Prompt Smart[4198:1573459] Creating shared instance of OEPocketsphinxController
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.121 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] The word DRAKE’S was not found in the dictionary /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/D6C1BCD4-E42F-4726-8BB4-FD3A107B669C/Prompt Smart.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/LanguageModelGeneratorLookupList.text.
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.121 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] Now using the fallback method to look up the word DRAKE’S
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.122 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] If this is happening more frequently than you would expect, the most likely cause for it is since you are using the English phonetic lookup dictionary is that your words are not in English or aren’t dictionary words, or that you are submitting the words in lowercase when they need to be entirely written in uppercase. This can also happen if you submit words with punctuation attached – consider removing punctuation from language models or grammars you create before submitting them.
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.122 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] Using convertGraphemes for the word or phrase DRAKE’S which doesn’t appear in the dictionary
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.244 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] I’m done running performDictionaryLookup and it took 0.162204 seconds
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.256 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] Starting dynamic language model generation

    INFO: cmd_ln.c(702): Parsing command line:
    sphinx_lm_convert \
    -i /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4615358B-83D0-4708-BDDB-CDBBEA6C11EC/Library/Caches/1714410187-591837347-Ronald Reagan – Challenger.arpa \
    -o /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4615358B-83D0-4708-BDDB-CDBBEA6C11EC/Library/Caches/1714410187-591837347-Ronald Reagan – Challenger.DMP

    Current configuration:
    -debug 0
    -help no no
    -i /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4615358B-83D0-4708-BDDB-CDBBEA6C11EC/Library/Caches/1714410187-591837347-Ronald Reagan – Challenger.arpa
    -logbase 1.0001 1.000100e+00
    -mmap no no
    -o /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4615358B-83D0-4708-BDDB-CDBBEA6C11EC/Library/Caches/1714410187-591837347-Ronald Reagan – Challenger.DMP
    -oenc utf8 utf8

    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(504): ngrams 1=327, 2=640, 3=619
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(137): Reading unigrams
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(543): 327 = #unigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(197): Reading bigrams
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(561): 640 = #bigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(562): 44 = #prob2 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(570): 55 = #bo_wt2 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(294): Reading trigrams
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(583): 619 = #trigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(584): 14 = #prob3 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(518): Building DMP model…
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(548): 327 = #unigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(649): 640 = #bigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(650): 44 = #prob2 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(657): 55 = #bo_wt2 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(661): 619 = #trigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(662): 14 = #prob3 entries
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.344 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] Done creating language model with CMUCLMTK in 0.087934 seconds.
    INFO: cmd_ln.c(702): Parsing command line:
    sphinx_lm_convert \
    -i /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4615358B-83D0-4708-BDDB-CDBBEA6C11EC/Library/Caches/1714410187-591837347-Ronald Reagan – Challenger.arpa \
    -o /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4615358B-83D0-4708-BDDB-CDBBEA6C11EC/Library/Caches/1714410187-591837347-Ronald Reagan – Challenger.DMP

    Current configuration:
    -debug 0
    -help no no
    -i /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4615358B-83D0-4708-BDDB-CDBBEA6C11EC/Library/Caches/1714410187-591837347-Ronald Reagan – Challenger.arpa
    -logbase 1.0001 1.000100e+00
    -mmap no no
    -o /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4615358B-83D0-4708-BDDB-CDBBEA6C11EC/Library/Caches/1714410187-591837347-Ronald Reagan – Challenger.DMP
    -oenc utf8 utf8

    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(504): ngrams 1=327, 2=640, 3=619
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(137): Reading unigrams
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(543): 327 = #unigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(197): Reading bigrams
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(561): 640 = #bigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(562): 44 = #prob2 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(570): 55 = #bo_wt2 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(294): Reading trigrams
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(583): 619 = #trigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(584): 14 = #prob3 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(518): Building DMP model…
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(548): 327 = #unigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(649): 640 = #bigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(650): 44 = #prob2 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(657): 55 = #bo_wt2 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(661): 619 = #trigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(662): 14 = #prob3 entries
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.356 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] I’m done running dynamic language model generation and it took 0.324101 seconds
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.363 Prompt Smart[4198:1573459] User gave mic permission for this app.
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.364 Prompt Smart[4198:1573487] [info] Engage Apptentive event: local#app#Start_a_Script_Presentation
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.420 Prompt Smart[4198:1573487] [info] –Found 1 downloaded and available interaction targeted at the event “local#app#Start_a_Script_Presentation”.
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.433 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] [info] –Criteria not met for available interaction.
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.433 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] [info] –If you are expecting an interaction to be shown at this time, make sure you have fully met the interaction’s requirements as set on your Apptentive dashboard.
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.440 Prompt Smart[4198:1573459] User gave mic permission for this app.
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.440 Prompt Smart[4198:1573459] Lakshish’s Change of silence duration issue
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.441 Prompt Smart[4198:1573459] setSecondsOfSilence wasn’t set, using default of 0.500000.
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.441 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Starting listening.
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.442 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] about to set up audio session
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.752 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] done starting audio unit
    INFO: cmd_ln.c(702): Parsing command line:
    -lm /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4615358B-83D0-4708-BDDB-CDBBEA6C11EC/Library/Caches/1714410187-591837347-Ronald Reagan – Challenger.DMP \
    -vad_prespeech 10 \
    -vad_postspeech 50 \
    -vad_threshold 2.000000 \
    -remove_noise yes \
    -remove_silence yes \
    -bestpath no \
    -lw 6.500000 \
    -dict /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4615358B-83D0-4708-BDDB-CDBBEA6C11EC/Library/Caches/1714410187-591837347-Ronald Reagan – Challenger.dic \
    -hmm /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/D6C1BCD4-E42F-4726-8BB4-FD3A107B669C/Prompt Smart.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle

    Current configuration:
    -agc none none
    -agcthresh 2.0 2.000000e+00
    -allphone_ci no no
    -alpha 0.97 9.700000e-01
    -ascale 20.0 2.000000e+01
    -aw 1 1
    -backtrace no no
    -beam 1e-48 1.000000e-48
    -bestpath yes no
    -bestpathlw 9.5 9.500000e+00
    -bghist no no
    -ceplen 13 13
    -cmn current current
    -cmninit 8.0 8.0
    -compallsen no no
    -debug 0
    -dict /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4615358B-83D0-4708-BDDB-CDBBEA6C11EC/Library/Caches/1714410187-591837347-Ronald Reagan – Challenger.dic
    -dictcase no no
    -dither no no
    -doublebw no no
    -ds 1 1
    -feat 1s_c_d_dd 1s_c_d_dd
    -fillprob 1e-8 1.000000e-08
    -frate 100 100
    -fsgusealtpron yes yes
    -fsgusefiller yes yes
    -fwdflat yes yes
    -fwdflatbeam 1e-64 1.000000e-64
    -fwdflatefwid 4 4
    -fwdflatlw 8.5 8.500000e+00
    -fwdflatsfwin 25 25
    -fwdflatwbeam 7e-29 7.000000e-29
    -fwdtree yes yes
    -hmm /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/D6C1BCD4-E42F-4726-8BB4-FD3A107B669C/Prompt Smart.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle
    -input_endian little little
    -kdmaxbbi -1 -1
    -kdmaxdepth 0 0
    -kws_plp 1e-1 1.000000e-01
    -kws_threshold 1 1.000000e+00
    -latsize 5000 5000
    -ldadim 0 0
    -lextreedump 0 0
    -lifter 0 0
    -lm /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4615358B-83D0-4708-BDDB-CDBBEA6C11EC/Library/Caches/1714410187-591837347-Ronald Reagan – Challenger.DMP
    -logbase 1.0001 1.000100e+00
    -logspec no no
    -lowerf 133.33334 1.333333e+02
    -lpbeam 1e-40 1.000000e-40
    -lponlybeam 7e-29 7.000000e-29
    -lw 6.5 6.500000e+00
    -maxhmmpf 10000 10000
    -maxnewoov 20 20
    -maxwpf -1 -1
    -min_endfr 0 0
    -mixwfloor 0.0000001 1.000000e-07
    -mmap yes yes
    -ncep 13 13
    -nfft 512 512
    -nfilt 40 40
    -nwpen 1.0 1.000000e+00
    -pbeam 1e-48 1.000000e-48
    -pip 1.0 1.000000e+00
    -pl_beam 1e-10 1.000000e-10
    -pl_pbeam 1e-5 1.000000e-05
    -pl_window 0 0
    -remove_dc no no
    -remove_noise yes yes
    -remove_silence yes yes
    -round_filters yes yes
    -samprate 16000 1.600000e+04
    -seed -1 -1
    -silprob 0.005 5.000000e-03
    -smoothspec no no
    -tmatfloor 0.0001 1.000000e-04
    -topn 4 4
    -topn_beam 0 0
    -transform legacy legacy
    -unit_area yes yes
    -upperf 6855.4976 6.855498e+03
    -usewdphones no no
    -uw 1.0 1.000000e+00
    -vad_postspeech 50 50
    -vad_prespeech 10 10
    -vad_threshold 2.0 2.000000e+00
    -varfloor 0.0001 1.000000e-04
    -varnorm no no
    -verbose no no
    -warp_type inverse_linear inverse_linear
    -wbeam 7e-29 7.000000e-29
    -wip 0.65 6.500000e-01
    -wlen 0.025625 2.562500e-02

    INFO: cmd_ln.c(702): Parsing command line:
    -nfilt 25 \
    -lowerf 130 \
    -upperf 6800 \
    -feat 1s_c_d_dd \
    -svspec 0-12/13-25/26-38 \
    -agc none \
    -cmn current \
    -varnorm no \
    -transform dct \
    -lifter 22 \
    -cmninit 40

    Current configuration:
    -agc none none
    -agcthresh 2.0 2.000000e+00
    -alpha 0.97 9.700000e-01
    -ceplen 13 13
    -cmn current current
    -cmninit 8.0 40
    -dither no no
    -doublebw no no
    -feat 1s_c_d_dd 1s_c_d_dd
    -frate 100 100
    -input_endian little little
    -ldadim 0 0
    -lifter 0 22
    -logspec no no
    -lowerf 133.33334 1.300000e+02
    -ncep 13 13
    -nfft 512 512
    -nfilt 40 25
    -remove_dc no no
    -remove_noise yes yes
    -remove_silence yes yes
    -round_filters yes yes
    -samprate 16000 1.600000e+04
    -seed -1 -1
    -smoothspec no no
    -svspec 0-12/13-25/26-38
    -transform legacy dct
    -unit_area yes yes
    -upperf 6855.4976 6.800000e+03
    -vad_postspeech 50 50
    -vad_prespeech 10 10
    -vad_threshold 2.0 2.000000e+00
    -varnorm no no
    -verbose no no
    -warp_type inverse_linear inverse_linear
    -wlen 0.025625 2.562500e-02

    INFO: acmod.c(252): Parsed model-specific feature parameters from /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/D6C1BCD4-E42F-4726-8BB4-FD3A107B669C/Prompt Smart.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/feat.params
    INFO: feat.c(715): Initializing feature stream to type: ‘1s_c_d_dd’, ceplen=13, CMN=’current’, VARNORM=’no’, AGC=’none’
    INFO: cmn.c(143): mean[0]= 12.00, mean[1..12]= 0.0
    INFO: acmod.c(171): Using subvector specification 0-12/13-25/26-38
    INFO: mdef.c(518): Reading model definition: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/D6C1BCD4-E42F-4726-8BB4-FD3A107B669C/Prompt Smart.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/mdef
    INFO: mdef.c(531): Found byte-order mark BMDF, assuming this is a binary mdef file
    INFO: bin_mdef.c(336): Reading binary model definition: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/D6C1BCD4-E42F-4726-8BB4-FD3A107B669C/Prompt Smart.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/mdef
    INFO: bin_mdef.c(516): 46 CI-phone, 168344 CD-phone, 3 emitstate/phone, 138 CI-sen, 6138 Sen, 32881 Sen-Seq
    INFO: tmat.c(206): Reading HMM transition probability matrices: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/D6C1BCD4-E42F-4726-8BB4-FD3A107B669C/Prompt Smart.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/transition_matrices
    INFO: acmod.c(124): Attempting to use SCHMM computation module
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(198): Reading mixture gaussian parameter: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/D6C1BCD4-E42F-4726-8BB4-FD3A107B669C/Prompt Smart.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/means
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(292): 1 codebook, 3 feature, size:
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(294): 512×13
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(294): 512×13
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(294): 512×13
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(198): Reading mixture gaussian parameter: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/D6C1BCD4-E42F-4726-8BB4-FD3A107B669C/Prompt Smart.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/variances
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(292): 1 codebook, 3 feature, size:
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(294): 512×13
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(294): 512×13
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(294): 512×13
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(354): 0 variance values floored
    INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(904): Loading senones from dump file /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/D6C1BCD4-E42F-4726-8BB4-FD3A107B669C/Prompt Smart.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/sendump
    INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(928): BEGIN FILE FORMAT DESCRIPTION
    INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(991): Rows: 512, Columns: 6138
    INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(1023): Using memory-mapped I/O for senones
    INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(1294): Maximum top-N: 4 Top-N beams: 0 0 0
    INFO: dict.c(320): Allocating 4501 * 32 bytes (140 KiB) for word entries
    INFO: dict.c(333): Reading main dictionary: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/4615358B-83D0-4708-BDDB-CDBBEA6C11EC/Library/Caches/1714410187-591837347-Ronald Reagan – Challenger.dic
    INFO: dict.c(213): Allocated 2 KiB for strings, 3 KiB for phones
    INFO: dict.c(336): 396 words read
    INFO: dict.c(342): Reading filler dictionary: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/D6C1BCD4-E42F-4726-8BB4-FD3A107B669C/Prompt Smart.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/noisedict
    INFO: dict.c(213): Allocated 0 KiB for strings, 0 KiB for phones
    INFO: dict.c(345): 9 words read
    INFO: dict2pid.c(396): Building PID tables for dictionary
    INFO: dict2pid.c(406): Allocating 46^3 * 2 bytes (190 KiB) for word-initial triphones
    INFO: dict2pid.c(132): Allocated 51152 bytes (49 KiB) for word-final triphones
    INFO: dict2pid.c(196): Allocated 51152 bytes (49 KiB) for single-phone word triphones
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(79): No \data\ mark in LM file
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(166): Will use memory-mapped I/O for LM file
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(220): ngrams 1=327, 2=640, 3=619
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(266): 327 = LM.unigrams(+trailer) read
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(312): 640 = LM.bigrams(+trailer) read
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(338): 619 = LM.trigrams read
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(363): 44 = LM.prob2 entries read
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(383): 55 = LM.bo_wt2 entries read
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(403): 14 = LM.prob3 entries read
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(431): 2 = LM.tseg_base entries read
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(487): 327 = ascii word strings read
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(99): 181 unique initial diphones
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(148): 0 root, 0 non-root channels, 50 single-phone words
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(186): Creating search tree
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(192): before: 0 root, 0 non-root channels, 50 single-phone words
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(326): after: max nonroot chan increased to 870
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(339): after: 181 root, 742 non-root channels, 49 single-phone words
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(157): fwdflat: min_ef_width = 4, max_sf_win = 25
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.851 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Restoring SmartCMN value of 29.993408
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.851 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Listening.
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.853 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Project has these words or phrases in its dictionary:
    …and 366 more.
    2015-02-23 14:39:14.853 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Recognition loop has started
    2015-02-23 14:39:15.423 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Speech detected…
    2015-02-23 14:39:15.424 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-2225) and an utterance ID of 0.
    2015-02-23 14:39:15.426 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] Hypothesis was null so we aren’t returning it. If you want null hypotheses to also be returned, set OEPocketsphinxController’s property returnNullHypotheses to TRUE before starting OEPocketsphinxController.
    2015-02-23 14:39:15.562 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-4711) and an utterance ID of 1.
    2015-02-23 14:39:15.666 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-5757) and an utterance ID of 2.
    2015-02-23 14:39:15.798 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] End of speech detected…
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(131): cmn_prior_update: from < 29.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 >
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(149): cmn_prior_update: to < 20.29 -12.45 4.32 4.99 -8.67 -1.33 6.58 2.65 2.90 11.28 -0.38 4.25 7.64 >
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1550): 2055 words recognized (35/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1552): 104935 senones evaluated (1779/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1556): 53166 channels searched (901/fr), 9955 1st, 19678 last
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1559): 3307 words for which last channels evaluated (56/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1561): 6813 candidate words for entering last phone (115/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1564): fwdtree 0.12 CPU 0.201 xRT
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1567): fwdtree 0.66 wall 1.118 xRT
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(302): Utterance vocabulary contains 28 words
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(938): 1025 words recognized (17/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(940): 19656 senones evaluated (333/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(942): 10235 channels searched (173/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(944): 1892 words searched (32/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(947): 1111 word transitions (18/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(950): fwdflat 0.01 CPU 0.010 xRT
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(953): fwdflat 0.01 wall 0.017 xRT
    2015-02-23 14:39:15.815 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-7910) and an utterance ID of 3.
    2015-02-23 14:39:15.815 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] Hypothesis was null so we aren’t returning it. If you want null hypotheses to also be returned, set OEPocketsphinxController’s property returnNullHypotheses to TRUE before starting OEPocketsphinxController.
    2015-02-23 14:39:16.054 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] Speech detected…
    2015-02-23 14:39:16.055 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-2575) and an utterance ID of 4.
    2015-02-23 14:39:16.055 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Hypothesis was null so we aren’t returning it. If you want null hypotheses to also be returned, set OEPocketsphinxController’s property returnNullHypotheses to TRUE before starting OEPocketsphinxController.
    2015-02-23 14:39:16.199 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-5403) and an utterance ID of 5.
    2015-02-23 14:39:16.306 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-6661) and an utterance ID of 6.
    2015-02-23 14:39:16.429 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-7887) and an utterance ID of 7.
    2015-02-23 14:39:16.571 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-10446) and an utterance ID of 8.
    2015-02-23 14:39:16.690 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-11628) and an utterance ID of 9.
    2015-02-23 14:39:16.822 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-13801) and an utterance ID of 10.
    2015-02-23 14:39:16.955 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-15171) and an utterance ID of 11.
    INFO: ngram_search.c(462): Resized backpointer table to 10000 entries
    2015-02-23 14:39:17.082 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-16596) and an utterance ID of 12.
    2015-02-23 14:39:17.164 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-18021) and an utterance ID of 13.
    2015-02-23 14:39:17.340 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-20529) and an utterance ID of 14.
    2015-02-23 14:39:17.460 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-22614) and an utterance ID of 15.
    2015-02-23 14:39:17.587 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-23838) and an utterance ID of 16.
    2015-02-23 14:39:17.715 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-25571) and an utterance ID of 17.
    2015-02-23 14:39:17.859 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-28520) and an utterance ID of 18.
    INFO: ngram_search.c(462): Resized backpointer table to 20000 entries
    2015-02-23 14:39:17.968 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-29907) and an utterance ID of 19.
    2015-02-23 14:39:18.096 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-31061) and an utterance ID of 20.
    2015-02-23 14:39:18.230 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-33233) and an utterance ID of 21.
    2015-02-23 14:39:18.358 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-34549) and an utterance ID of 22.
    2015-02-23 14:39:18.487 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-36751) and an utterance ID of 23.
    2015-02-23 14:39:18.611 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-38208) and an utterance ID of 24.
    INFO: ngram_search.c(470): Resized score stack to 200000 entries
    2015-02-23 14:39:18.741 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-39600) and an utterance ID of 25.
    2015-02-23 14:39:18.886 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-41963) and an utterance ID of 26.
    2015-02-23 14:39:18.997 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-43552) and an utterance ID of 27.
    2015-02-23 14:39:19.124 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-44883) and an utterance ID of 28.
    2015-02-23 14:39:19.257 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-47816) and an utterance ID of 29.
    2015-02-23 14:39:19.377 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-49184) and an utterance ID of 30.
    2015-02-23 14:39:19.514 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-52210) and an utterance ID of 31.
    2015-02-23 14:39:19.647 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “OR WHO” with a score of (-53622) and an utterance ID of 32.
    2015-02-23 14:39:19.781 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] Pocketsphinx heard “OR WHO” with a score of (-54896) and an utterance ID of 33.
    2015-02-23 14:39:19.932 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE” with a score of (-57711) and an utterance ID of 34.
    2015-02-23 14:39:20.037 Prompt Smart[4198:1573540] Pocketsphinx heard “OR WHO IT YOU” with a score of (-59255) and an utterance ID of 35.
    INFO: ngram_search.c(462): Resized backpointer table to 40000 entries
    INFO: ngram_search.c(470): Resized score stack to 400000 entries
    2015-02-23 14:39:20.175 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “OR WHO IT YOU THEY DID” with a score of (-60658) and an utterance ID of 36.
    2015-02-23 14:39:20.293 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM” with a score of (-63212) and an utterance ID of 37.
    2015-02-23 14:39:20.417 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON” with a score of (-65041) and an utterance ID of 38.
    2015-02-23 14:39:20.579 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON” with a score of (-67682) and an utterance ID of 39.
    2015-02-23 14:39:20.687 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON” with a score of (-69056) and an utterance ID of 40.
    2015-02-23 14:39:20.811 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON” with a score of (-70599) and an utterance ID of 41.
    2015-02-23 14:39:20.961 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON” with a score of (-73500) and an utterance ID of 42.
    2015-02-23 14:39:21.060 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON” with a score of (-74850) and an utterance ID of 43.
    2015-02-23 14:39:21.179 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON” with a score of (-76195) and an utterance ID of 44.
    2015-02-23 14:39:21.263 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON” with a score of (-77653) and an utterance ID of 45.
    2015-02-23 14:39:21.462 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I” with a score of (-79924) and an utterance ID of 46.
    2015-02-23 14:39:21.588 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I KNOW” with a score of (-82500) and an utterance ID of 47.
    2015-02-23 14:39:21.651 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I OR” with a score of (-83799) and an utterance ID of 48.
    2015-02-23 14:39:21.815 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE” with a score of (-84930) and an utterance ID of 49.
    2015-02-23 14:39:21.996 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THIS” with a score of (-88387) and an utterance ID of 50.
    2015-02-23 14:39:22.100 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE AND” with a score of (-89876) and an utterance ID of 51.
    2015-02-23 14:39:22.258 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE” with a score of (-93104) and an utterance ID of 52.
    2015-02-23 14:39:22.341 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE” with a score of (-94738) and an utterance ID of 53.
    2015-02-23 14:39:22.478 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE” with a score of (-95963) and an utterance ID of 54.
    INFO: ngram_search.c(470): Resized score stack to 800000 entries
    2015-02-23 14:39:22.633 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE” with a score of (-99019) and an utterance ID of 55.
    2015-02-23 14:39:22.735 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM” with a score of (-100525) and an utterance ID of 56.
    2015-02-23 14:39:22.859 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE TO” with a score of (-102144) and an utterance ID of 57.
    2015-02-23 14:39:23.016 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE” with a score of (-105392) and an utterance ID of 58.
    2015-02-23 14:39:23.091 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT” with a score of (-105738) and an utterance ID of 59.
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(99): cmn_prior_update: from < 20.29 -12.45 4.32 4.99 -8.67 -1.33 6.58 2.65 2.90 11.28 -0.38 4.25 7.64 >
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(116): cmn_prior_update: to < 35.89 -0.04 -3.96 2.87 -4.97 -1.85 0.65 1.60 0.80 2.09 -1.58 1.15 3.02 >
    2015-02-23 14:39:23.240 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT” with a score of (-108433) and an utterance ID of 60.
    2015-02-23 14:39:23.345 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO” with a score of (-109842) and an utterance ID of 61.
    2015-02-23 14:39:23.472 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO THE” with a score of (-111206) and an utterance ID of 62.
    2015-02-23 14:39:23.606 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO THE WILL” with a score of (-113497) and an utterance ID of 63.
    2015-02-23 14:39:23.728 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT” with a score of (-114877) and an utterance ID of 64.
    2015-02-23 14:39:23.857 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT” with a score of (-116517) and an utterance ID of 65.
    2015-02-23 14:39:23.990 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON SAYS” with a score of (-118575) and an utterance ID of 66.
    2015-02-23 14:39:24.108 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON JUST” with a score of (-120281) and an utterance ID of 67.
    2015-02-23 14:39:24.240 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE” with a score of (-122071) and an utterance ID of 68.
    2015-02-23 14:39:24.369 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE THE” with a score of (-123529) and an utterance ID of 69.
    2015-02-23 14:39:24.492 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF” with a score of (-124981) and an utterance ID of 70.
    2015-02-23 14:39:24.633 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE” with a score of (-126828) and an utterance ID of 71.
    2015-02-23 14:39:24.751 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-128437) and an utterance ID of 72.
    2015-02-23 14:39:24.892 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-129557) and an utterance ID of 73.
    INFO: ngram_search.c(462): Resized backpointer table to 80000 entries
    2015-02-23 14:39:25.015 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-132065) and an utterance ID of 74.
    2015-02-23 14:39:25.149 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-133650) and an utterance ID of 75.
    2015-02-23 14:39:25.249 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-134719) and an utterance ID of 76.
    2015-02-23 14:39:25.430 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-137462) and an utterance ID of 77.
    2015-02-23 14:39:25.548 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-138752) and an utterance ID of 78.
    2015-02-23 14:39:25.686 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-141171) and an utterance ID of 79.
    2015-02-23 14:39:25.794 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-142528) and an utterance ID of 80.
    2015-02-23 14:39:25.918 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-143899) and an utterance ID of 81.
    2015-02-23 14:39:26.052 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-146257) and an utterance ID of 82.
    2015-02-23 14:39:26.176 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-147293) and an utterance ID of 83.
    2015-02-23 14:39:26.270 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-148653) and an utterance ID of 84.
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(99): cmn_prior_update: from < 35.89 -0.04 -3.96 2.87 -4.97 -1.85 0.65 1.60 0.80 2.09 -1.58 1.15 3.02 >
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(116): cmn_prior_update: to < 36.26 1.29 -1.25 4.05 -4.83 -2.13 -0.82 2.09 0.41 1.35 -1.99 -0.47 1.81 >
    2015-02-23 14:39:26.465 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-151462) and an utterance ID of 85.
    2015-02-23 14:39:26.566 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-152630) and an utterance ID of 86.
    2015-02-23 14:39:26.707 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-155287) and an utterance ID of 87.
    2015-02-23 14:39:26.812 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-156385) and an utterance ID of 88.
    2015-02-23 14:39:26.964 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-157724) and an utterance ID of 89.
    2015-02-23 14:39:27.082 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-159967) and an utterance ID of 90.
    2015-02-23 14:39:27.194 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-161108) and an utterance ID of 91.
    2015-02-23 14:39:27.261 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-162180) and an utterance ID of 92.
    2015-02-23 14:39:27.468 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-164631) and an utterance ID of 93.
    2015-02-23 14:39:27.587 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-165845) and an utterance ID of 94.
    2015-02-23 14:39:27.720 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-168233) and an utterance ID of 95.
    2015-02-23 14:39:27.832 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-169276) and an utterance ID of 96.
    2015-02-23 14:39:27.980 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-171533) and an utterance ID of 97.
    2015-02-23 14:39:28.091 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-172814) and an utterance ID of 98.
    2015-02-23 14:39:28.215 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-174063) and an utterance ID of 99.
    2015-02-23 14:39:28.359 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-176358) and an utterance ID of 100.
    2015-02-23 14:39:28.470 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-177708) and an utterance ID of 101.
    2015-02-23 14:39:28.616 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-179362) and an utterance ID of 102.
    2015-02-23 14:39:28.772 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-181890) and an utterance ID of 103.
    2015-02-23 14:39:28.859 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-182882) and an utterance ID of 104.
    2015-02-23 14:39:29.003 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-185476) and an utterance ID of 105.
    2015-02-23 14:39:29.112 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-186580) and an utterance ID of 106.
    2015-02-23 14:39:29.240 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-187703) and an utterance ID of 107.
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(99): cmn_prior_update: from < 36.26 1.29 -1.25 4.05 -4.83 -2.13 -0.82 2.09 0.41 1.35 -1.99 -0.47 1.81 >
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(116): cmn_prior_update: to < 33.93 0.20 -1.85 -0.26 -6.11 -2.16 -0.16 2.40 1.65 3.12 -1.13 0.49 1.86 >
    2015-02-23 14:39:29.388 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-189606) and an utterance ID of 108.
    2015-02-23 14:39:29.494 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-190353) and an utterance ID of 109.
    2015-02-23 14:39:29.626 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-191712) and an utterance ID of 110.
    2015-02-23 14:39:29.787 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-194413) and an utterance ID of 111.
    2015-02-23 14:39:29.882 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-195773) and an utterance ID of 112.
    2015-02-23 14:39:30.021 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-198064) and an utterance ID of 113.
    2015-02-23 14:39:30.138 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-199305) and an utterance ID of 114.
    2015-02-23 14:39:30.278 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-200748) and an utterance ID of 115.
    2015-02-23 14:39:30.419 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-203305) and an utterance ID of 116.
    2015-02-23 14:39:30.521 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-204328) and an utterance ID of 117.
    2015-02-23 14:39:30.649 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-205470) and an utterance ID of 118.
    2015-02-23 14:39:30.808 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-208199) and an utterance ID of 119.
    2015-02-23 14:39:30.909 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-209481) and an utterance ID of 120.
    2015-02-23 14:39:31.047 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-211502) and an utterance ID of 121.
    2015-02-23 14:39:31.175 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-213024) and an utterance ID of 122.
    2015-02-23 14:39:31.263 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-214449) and an utterance ID of 123.
    2015-02-23 14:39:31.421 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-216718) and an utterance ID of 124.
    2015-02-23 14:39:31.548 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-218026) and an utterance ID of 125.
    2015-02-23 14:39:31.672 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-219084) and an utterance ID of 126.
    2015-02-23 14:39:31.823 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-221604) and an utterance ID of 127.
    2015-02-23 14:39:31.933 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-222946) and an utterance ID of 128.
    2015-02-23 14:39:32.071 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-225015) and an utterance ID of 129.
    2015-02-23 14:39:32.181 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-226580) and an utterance ID of 130.
    2015-02-23 14:39:32.280 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-227904) and an utterance ID of 131.
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(99): cmn_prior_update: from < 33.93 0.20 -1.85 -0.26 -6.11 -2.16 -0.16 2.40 1.65 3.12 -1.13 0.49 1.86 >
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(116): cmn_prior_update: to < 32.94 -1.14 -4.75 -4.07 -5.31 -0.53 0.93 3.53 1.81 3.34 -0.75 2.50 2.75 >
    2015-02-23 14:39:32.473 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-230626) and an utterance ID of 132.
    2015-02-23 14:39:32.583 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-232397) and an utterance ID of 133.
    2015-02-23 14:39:32.710 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-234353) and an utterance ID of 134.
    2015-02-23 14:39:32.824 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-235383) and an utterance ID of 135.
    2015-02-23 14:39:32.955 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-236742) and an utterance ID of 136.
    2015-02-23 14:39:33.096 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-239183) and an utterance ID of 137.
    2015-02-23 14:39:33.206 Prompt Smart[4198:1573488] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-240131) and an utterance ID of 138.
    2015-02-23 14:39:33.334 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-241044) and an utterance ID of 139.
    2015-02-23 14:39:33.495 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-243984) and an utterance ID of 140.
    2015-02-23 14:39:33.593 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-245158) and an utterance ID of 141.
    2015-02-23 14:39:33.740 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-247436) and an utterance ID of 142.
    2015-02-23 14:39:33.850 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-248438) and an utterance ID of 143.
    2015-02-23 14:39:33.973 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-249222) and an utterance ID of 144.
    2015-02-23 14:39:34.123 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-251716) and an utterance ID of 145.
    2015-02-23 14:39:34.241 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-252882) and an utterance ID of 146.
    2015-02-23 14:39:34.359 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-253939) and an utterance ID of 147.
    2015-02-23 14:39:34.510 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-256411) and an utterance ID of 148.
    2015-02-23 14:39:34.619 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE SHARE THEM ON I LIKE THE THEM YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-257590) and an utterance ID of 149.
    2015-02-23 14:39:34.736 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] End of speech detected…
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(131): cmn_prior_update: from < 32.94 -1.14 -4.75 -4.07 -5.31 -0.53 0.93 3.53 1.81 3.34 -0.75 2.50 2.75 >
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(149): cmn_prior_update: to < 31.18 -3.38 -4.70 -5.04 -5.32 -0.39 0.87 3.52 1.48 3.05 -0.33 2.85 2.09 >
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1550): 66472 words recognized (35/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1552): 3932040 senones evaluated (2097/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1556): 2400929 channels searched (1280/fr), 337467 1st, 1208246 last
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1559): 134894 words for which last channels evaluated (71/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1561): 231528 candidate words for entering last phone (123/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1564): fwdtree 5.16 CPU 0.275 xRT
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1567): fwdtree 18.92 wall 1.009 xRT
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(302): Utterance vocabulary contains 252 words
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(938): 38129 words recognized (20/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(940): 2099588 senones evaluated (1120/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(942): 2151999 channels searched (1147/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(944): 140949 words searched (75/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(947): 99774 word transitions (53/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(950): fwdflat 2.39 CPU 0.127 xRT
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(953): fwdflat 2.38 wall 0.127 xRT
    2015-02-23 14:39:37.124 Prompt Smart[4198:1573537] Pocketsphinx heard “WERE THE I LIKE THE YOU TONIGHT TO REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE YOU” with a score of (-259151) and an utterance ID of 150.
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(99): cmn_prior_update: from < 31.18 -3.38 -4.70 -5.04 -5.32 -0.39 0.87 3.52 1.48 3.05 -0.33 2.85 2.09 >
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(116): cmn_prior_update: to < 30.91 -3.52 -4.88 -4.83 -5.75 -0.66 0.84 3.75 1.18 3.24 -0.50 3.03 1.96 >
    2015-02-23 14:39:37.673 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Speech detected…
    2015-02-23 14:39:37.676 Prompt Smart[4198:1573627] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-28076) and an utterance ID of 151.
    2015-02-23 14:39:37.678 Prompt Smart[4198:1573627] Hypothesis was null so we aren’t returning it. If you want null hypotheses to also be returned, set OEPocketsphinxController’s property returnNullHypotheses to TRUE before starting OEPocketsphinxController.
    2015-02-23 14:39:37.849 Prompt Smart[4198:1573627] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-35735) and an utterance ID of 152.
    2015-02-23 14:39:37.889 Prompt Smart[4198:1573627] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-37830) and an utterance ID of 153.
    2015-02-23 14:39:37.962 Prompt Smart[4198:1573625] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-39451) and an utterance ID of 154.
    2015-02-23 14:39:38.079 Prompt Smart[4198:1573627] Pocketsphinx heard ” ” with a score of (-40708) and an utterance ID of 155.

    Halle Winkler

    That is an unusually long time for a vocabulary of that size. Does that happen without the other audio and video stuff being used at the same time?

    Something else that is unusual is all of the reporting of empty hypotheses. Do you have it set to return null hypotheses?


    This happens also without video and audio stuff.

    And I don’t set returnNullHypotheses to YES, and I checked it status in pocketsphinxDidStartListening and it’s set to NO.

    I notice that time is not static, sometimes it’s 5 secs, sometimes – 2 secs


    In app I also changed audio session category and options. May this affect on open ears?

    I’ll try to comment stuff with changing of audio session and reproduce this behaviour again


    I commented out code of changing settings for audio session, but still have this issue.

    Halle Winkler

    My instinct about it is that it is originating through an interaction with your other audio settings somehow. On a modern device (any device that can run iOS 8.1) I would expect that to take about a second and probably including the period of the pause.

    Normally at this point I would ask you to try to replicate it using the replication technique so I can take a look:


    That is basically taking the sample app, replacing its vocabulary with your vocabulary, and adding the RapidEars methods (but not adding any of the other features of your app). My guess is that you won’t see the same lag in this case, but if you do, you can then make a recording of your session using SaveThatWave so I can replicate the same session and see what is happening. There is more info in the forum post I linked to. I think this would be a good next step because it looks like there are many things going on in your app session which have the capability of interacting with the audio requirements for OpenEars, so it’s hard to give troubleshooting advice on the app with all the other features integrated.

    Halle Winkler

    In app I also changed audio session category and options. May this affect on open ears?

    Absolutely – making changes to the audio session, having other audio and video objects working simultaneously, anything which changes the session at all will affect OpenEars because it has required session settings. It’s possible to overlook something if you have other SDKs in use – safer than commenting things out would be to create a really simple implementation based on the sample app and see if it is still happening.


    I reproduce this issue on sample app.

    Here is my changes in sample app in viewDidLoad:

    NSArray *firstLanguageArray = [self textForLanguageModel];

    - (NSArray*)textForLanguageModel
        NSMutableArray* textForLanguageModel = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
        NSError* error = nil;
        NSArray* textLines = nil;
        NSString *fileUrl = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"1621581972" ofType:@"txt"];
        NSCharacterSet* characterSetSentences = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"!?."];
        NSString* textArtifact = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:fileUrl encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
        textLines = [textArtifact componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:characterSetSentences];
        NSCharacterSet *spaceSeperatedPunctuationSet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"!#%&*,.;:?(){}[]+-<>|~"];
        //the following code cleans up the input so that we only feed to the LanguageModelGenerator text it can processed
        for (NSString* line in textLines)
            NSString* newLine = [line stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\"" withString:@" "];
            newLine = [[newLine componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:spaceSeperatedPunctuationSet]componentsJoinedByString:@" "];
            //replace all sorts of special characters and punctuation
            newLine = [newLine stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"—" withString:@" "];
            newLine = [newLine stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"“" withString:@" "];
            newLine = [newLine stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"”" withString:@" "];
            newLine = [newLine stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"’" withString:@" "];
            newLine = [newLine stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"‘" withString:@" "];
            newLine = [newLine stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"  " withString:@" "];
            //we trim and remove any blank spaces at the start or end
            newLine = [newLine stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
            //we uppercase it
            newLine = [newLine uppercaseString];
            if (![newLine isEqualToString:@""])
                [textForLanguageModel addObject:newLine];
        return textForLanguageModel;

    [[OEPocketsphinxController sharedInstance] startRealtimeListeningWithLanguageModelAtPath:self.pathToFirstDynamicallyGeneratedLanguageModel dictionaryAtPath:self.pathToFirstDynamicallyGeneratedDictionary acousticModelAtPath:[OEAcousticModel pathToModel:@”AcousticModelEnglish”]];

    Here is link to audio file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kmuetl7703tats5/pocketsphinx_sample_log_201502241114215.wav?dl=0
    Here is link to text file needed to language model:

    There are no any specific steps.

    Here is a log:

    2015-02-24 11:22:57.948 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] Starting OpenEars logging for OpenEars version 2.03 on 64-bit device (or build): iPhone running iOS version: 8.100000
    2015-02-24 11:22:57.949 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] Creating shared instance of OEPocketsphinxController
    2015-02-24 11:22:57.996 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] Starting dynamic language model generation
    INFO: cmd_ln.c(702): Parsing command line:
    sphinx_lm_convert \
    	-i /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0349B5F5-F698-490D-85E9-5F2C646B8233/Library/Caches/FirstOpenEarsDynamicLanguageModel.arpa \
    	-o /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0349B5F5-F698-490D-85E9-5F2C646B8233/Library/Caches/FirstOpenEarsDynamicLanguageModel.DMP 
    Current configuration:
    -debug			0
    -help		no	no
    -i			/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0349B5F5-F698-490D-85E9-5F2C646B8233/Library/Caches/FirstOpenEarsDynamicLanguageModel.arpa
    -logbase	1.0001	1.000100e+00
    -mmap		no	no
    -o			/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0349B5F5-F698-490D-85E9-5F2C646B8233/Library/Caches/FirstOpenEarsDynamicLanguageModel.DMP
    -oenc		utf8	utf8
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(504): ngrams 1=288, 2=562, 3=580
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(137): Reading unigrams
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(543):      288 = #unigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(197): Reading bigrams
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(561):      562 = #bigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(562):       44 = #prob2 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(570):       55 = #bo_wt2 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(294): Reading trigrams
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(583):      580 = #trigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(584):       14 = #prob3 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(518): Building DMP model...
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(548):      288 = #unigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(649):      562 = #bigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(650):       44 = #prob2 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(657):       55 = #bo_wt2 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(661):      580 = #trigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(662):       14 = #prob3 entries
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.075 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] Done creating language model with CMUCLMTK in 0.078525 seconds.
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.133 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] The word DRAKE'S was not found in the dictionary /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7F77F82A-0692-437B-854A-92B848DAA193/OpenEarsSampleApp.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/LanguageModelGeneratorLookupList.text/LanguageModelGeneratorLookupList.text.
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.133 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] Now using the fallback method to look up the word DRAKE'S
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.133 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] If this is happening more frequently than you would expect, the most likely cause for it is since you are using the English phonetic lookup dictionary is that your words are not in English or aren't dictionary words, or that you are submitting the words in lowercase when they need to be entirely written in uppercase. This can also happen if you submit words with punctuation attached – consider removing punctuation from language models or grammars you create before submitting them.
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.133 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] Using convertGraphemes for the word or phrase DRAKE'S which doesn't appear in the dictionary
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.168 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] I'm done running performDictionaryLookup and it took 0.070665 seconds
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.176 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] I'm done running dynamic language model generation and it took 0.216753 seconds
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.184 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] Starting dynamic language model generation
    INFO: cmd_ln.c(702): Parsing command line:
    sphinx_lm_convert \
    	-i /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0349B5F5-F698-490D-85E9-5F2C646B8233/Library/Caches/SecondOpenEarsDynamicLanguageModel.arpa \
    	-o /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0349B5F5-F698-490D-85E9-5F2C646B8233/Library/Caches/SecondOpenEarsDynamicLanguageModel.DMP 
    Current configuration:
    -debug			0
    -help		no	no
    -i			/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0349B5F5-F698-490D-85E9-5F2C646B8233/Library/Caches/SecondOpenEarsDynamicLanguageModel.arpa
    -logbase	1.0001	1.000100e+00
    -mmap		no	no
    -o			/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0349B5F5-F698-490D-85E9-5F2C646B8233/Library/Caches/SecondOpenEarsDynamicLanguageModel.DMP
    -oenc		utf8	utf8
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(504): ngrams 1=12, 2=19, 3=10
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(137): Reading unigrams
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(543):       12 = #unigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(197): Reading bigrams
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(561):       19 = #bigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(562):        3 = #prob2 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(570):        3 = #bo_wt2 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(294): Reading trigrams
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(583):       10 = #trigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(584):        2 = #prob3 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(518): Building DMP model...
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(548):       12 = #unigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(649):       19 = #bigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(650):        3 = #prob2 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(657):        3 = #bo_wt2 entries
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(661):       10 = #trigrams created
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(662):        2 = #prob3 entries
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.254 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] Done creating language model with CMUCLMTK in 0.069936 seconds.
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.295 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] The word QUIDNUNC was not found in the dictionary /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7F77F82A-0692-437B-854A-92B848DAA193/OpenEarsSampleApp.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/LanguageModelGeneratorLookupList.text/LanguageModelGeneratorLookupList.text.
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.295 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] Now using the fallback method to look up the word QUIDNUNC
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.295 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] If this is happening more frequently than you would expect, the most likely cause for it is since you are using the English phonetic lookup dictionary is that your words are not in English or aren't dictionary words, or that you are submitting the words in lowercase when they need to be entirely written in uppercase. This can also happen if you submit words with punctuation attached – consider removing punctuation from language models or grammars you create before submitting them.
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.296 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] Using convertGraphemes for the word or phrase QUIDNUNC which doesn't appear in the dictionary
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.312 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] I'm done running performDictionaryLookup and it took 0.051648 seconds
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.320 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] I'm done running dynamic language model generation and it took 0.143168 seconds
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.321 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] 
    Welcome to the OpenEars sample project. This project understands the words:
    and if you say "CHANGE MODEL" it will switch to its dynamically-generated model which understands the words:
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.326 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] User gave mic permission for this app.
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.326 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] setSecondsOfSilence wasn't set, using default of 0.700000.
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.327 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Starting listening.
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.327 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] about to set up audio session
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.428 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682530] 11:22:58.425 ERROR:     [AVAudioSession Notify Thread] AVAudioSessionPortImpl.mm:52: ValidateRequiredFields: Unknown selected data source for Port iPhone –ú–∏–∫—Ä–æ—Ñ–æ–Ω (type: MicrophoneBuiltIn)
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.429 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682530] Audio route has changed for the following reason:
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.432 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682530] There was a category change. The new category is AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.715 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682530] This is not a case in which OpenEars notifies of a route change. At the close of this function, the new audio route is ---HeadphonesMicrophoneWired---. The previous route before changing to this route was <AVAudioSessionRouteDescription: 0x1742062f0, 
    inputs = (null); 
    outputs = (
        "<AVAudioSessionPortDescription: 0x174206400, type = Headphones; name = \U041d\U0430\U0443\U0448\U043d\U0438\U043a\U0438; UID = Wired Headphones; selectedDataSource = (null)>"
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.719 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] done starting audio unit
    INFO: cmd_ln.c(702): Parsing command line:
    	-lm /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0349B5F5-F698-490D-85E9-5F2C646B8233/Library/Caches/FirstOpenEarsDynamicLanguageModel.DMP \
    	-vad_prespeech 10 \
    	-vad_postspeech 69 \
    	-vad_threshold 2.000000 \
    	-remove_noise yes \
    	-remove_silence yes \
    	-bestpath yes \
    	-lw 6.500000 \
    	-dict /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0349B5F5-F698-490D-85E9-5F2C646B8233/Library/Caches/FirstOpenEarsDynamicLanguageModel.dic \
    	-hmm /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7F77F82A-0692-437B-854A-92B848DAA193/OpenEarsSampleApp.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle 
    Current configuration:
    [NAME]		[DEFLT]		[VALUE]
    -agc		none		none
    -agcthresh	2.0		2.000000e+00
    -allphone_ci	no		no
    -alpha		0.97		9.700000e-01
    -ascale		20.0		2.000000e+01
    -aw		1		1
    -backtrace	no		no
    -beam		1e-48		1.000000e-48
    -bestpath	yes		yes
    -bestpathlw	9.5		9.500000e+00
    -bghist		no		no
    -ceplen		13		13
    -cmn		current		current
    -cmninit	8.0		8.0
    -compallsen	no		no
    -debug				0
    -dict				/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0349B5F5-F698-490D-85E9-5F2C646B8233/Library/Caches/FirstOpenEarsDynamicLanguageModel.dic
    -dictcase	no		no
    -dither		no		no
    -doublebw	no		no
    -ds		1		1
    -feat		1s_c_d_dd	1s_c_d_dd
    -fillprob	1e-8		1.000000e-08
    -frate		100		100
    -fsgusealtpron	yes		yes
    -fsgusefiller	yes		yes
    -fwdflat	yes		yes
    -fwdflatbeam	1e-64		1.000000e-64
    -fwdflatefwid	4		4
    -fwdflatlw	8.5		8.500000e+00
    -fwdflatsfwin	25		25
    -fwdflatwbeam	7e-29		7.000000e-29
    -fwdtree	yes		yes
    -hmm				/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7F77F82A-0692-437B-854A-92B848DAA193/OpenEarsSampleApp.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle
    -input_endian	little		little
    -kdmaxbbi	-1		-1
    -kdmaxdepth	0		0
    -kws_plp	1e-1		1.000000e-01
    -kws_threshold	1		1.000000e+00
    -latsize	5000		5000
    -ldadim		0		0
    -lextreedump	0		0
    -lifter		0		0
    -lm				/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0349B5F5-F698-490D-85E9-5F2C646B8233/Library/Caches/FirstOpenEarsDynamicLanguageModel.DMP
    -logbase	1.0001		1.000100e+00
    -logspec	no		no
    -lowerf		133.33334	1.333333e+02
    -lpbeam		1e-40		1.000000e-40
    -lponlybeam	7e-29		7.000000e-29
    -lw		6.5		6.500000e+00
    -maxhmmpf	10000		10000
    -maxnewoov	20		20
    -maxwpf		-1		-1
    -min_endfr	0		0
    -mixwfloor	0.0000001	1.000000e-07
    -mmap		yes		yes
    -ncep		13		13
    -nfft		512		512
    -nfilt		40		40
    -nwpen		1.0		1.000000e+00
    -pbeam		1e-48		1.000000e-48
    -pip		1.0		1.000000e+00
    -pl_beam	1e-10		1.000000e-10
    -pl_pbeam	1e-5		1.000000e-05
    -pl_window	0		0
    -remove_dc	no		no
    -remove_noise	yes		yes
    -remove_silence	yes		yes
    -round_filters	yes		yes
    -samprate	16000		1.600000e+04
    -seed		-1		-1
    -silprob	0.005		5.000000e-03
    -smoothspec	no		no
    -tmatfloor	0.0001		1.000000e-04
    -topn		4		4
    -topn_beam	0		0
    -transform	legacy		legacy
    -unit_area	yes		yes
    -upperf		6855.4976	6.855498e+03
    -usewdphones	no		no
    -uw		1.0		1.000000e+00
    -vad_postspeech	50		69
    -vad_prespeech	10		10
    -vad_threshold	2.0		2.000000e+00
    -varfloor	0.0001		1.000000e-04
    -varnorm	no		no
    -verbose	no		no
    -warp_type	inverse_linear	inverse_linear
    -wbeam		7e-29		7.000000e-29
    -wip		0.65		6.500000e-01
    -wlen		0.025625	2.562500e-02
    INFO: cmd_ln.c(702): Parsing command line:
    	-nfilt 25 \
    	-lowerf 130 \
    	-upperf 6800 \
    	-feat 1s_c_d_dd \
    	-svspec 0-12/13-25/26-38 \
    	-agc none \
    	-cmn current \
    	-varnorm no \
    	-transform dct \
    	-lifter 22 \
    	-cmninit 40 
    Current configuration:
    [NAME]		[DEFLT]		[VALUE]
    -agc		none		none
    -agcthresh	2.0		2.000000e+00
    -alpha		0.97		9.700000e-01
    -ceplen		13		13
    -cmn		current		current
    -cmninit	8.0		40
    -dither		no		no
    -doublebw	no		no
    -feat		1s_c_d_dd	1s_c_d_dd
    -frate		100		100
    -input_endian	little		little
    -ldadim		0		0
    -lifter		0		22
    -logspec	no		no
    -lowerf		133.33334	1.300000e+02
    -ncep		13		13
    -nfft		512		512
    -nfilt		40		25
    -remove_dc	no		no
    -remove_noise	yes		yes
    -remove_silence	yes		yes
    -round_filters	yes		yes
    -samprate	16000		1.600000e+04
    -seed		-1		-1
    -smoothspec	no		no
    -svspec				0-12/13-25/26-38
    -transform	legacy		dct
    -unit_area	yes		yes
    -upperf		6855.4976	6.800000e+03
    -vad_postspeech	50		69
    -vad_prespeech	10		10
    -vad_threshold	2.0		2.000000e+00
    -varnorm	no		no
    -verbose	no		no
    -warp_type	inverse_linear	inverse_linear
    -wlen		0.025625	2.562500e-02
    INFO: acmod.c(252): Parsed model-specific feature parameters from /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7F77F82A-0692-437B-854A-92B848DAA193/OpenEarsSampleApp.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/feat.params
    INFO: feat.c(715): Initializing feature stream to type: '1s_c_d_dd', ceplen=13, CMN='current', VARNORM='no', AGC='none'
    INFO: cmn.c(143): mean[0]= 12.00, mean[1..12]= 0.0
    INFO: acmod.c(171): Using subvector specification 0-12/13-25/26-38
    INFO: mdef.c(518): Reading model definition: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7F77F82A-0692-437B-854A-92B848DAA193/OpenEarsSampleApp.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/mdef
    INFO: mdef.c(531): Found byte-order mark BMDF, assuming this is a binary mdef file
    INFO: bin_mdef.c(336): Reading binary model definition: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7F77F82A-0692-437B-854A-92B848DAA193/OpenEarsSampleApp.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/mdef
    INFO: bin_mdef.c(516): 46 CI-phone, 168344 CD-phone, 3 emitstate/phone, 138 CI-sen, 6138 Sen, 32881 Sen-Seq
    INFO: tmat.c(206): Reading HMM transition probability matrices: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7F77F82A-0692-437B-854A-92B848DAA193/OpenEarsSampleApp.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/transition_matrices
    INFO: acmod.c(124): Attempting to use SCHMM computation module
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(198): Reading mixture gaussian parameter: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7F77F82A-0692-437B-854A-92B848DAA193/OpenEarsSampleApp.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/means
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(292): 1 codebook, 3 feature, size: 
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(294):  512x13
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(294):  512x13
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(294):  512x13
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(198): Reading mixture gaussian parameter: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7F77F82A-0692-437B-854A-92B848DAA193/OpenEarsSampleApp.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/variances
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(292): 1 codebook, 3 feature, size: 
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(294):  512x13
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(294):  512x13
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(294):  512x13
    INFO: ms_gauden.c(354): 0 variance values floored
    INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(904): Loading senones from dump file /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7F77F82A-0692-437B-854A-92B848DAA193/OpenEarsSampleApp.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/sendump
    INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(928): BEGIN FILE FORMAT DESCRIPTION
    INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(991): Rows: 512, Columns: 6138
    INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(1023): Using memory-mapped I/O for senones
    INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(1294): Maximum top-N: 4 Top-N beams: 0 0 0
    INFO: dict.c(320): Allocating 4466 * 32 bytes (139 KiB) for word entries
    INFO: dict.c(333): Reading main dictionary: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/0349B5F5-F698-490D-85E9-5F2C646B8233/Library/Caches/FirstOpenEarsDynamicLanguageModel.dic
    INFO: dict.c(213): Allocated 2 KiB for strings, 3 KiB for phones
    INFO: dict.c(336): 361 words read
    INFO: dict.c(342): Reading filler dictionary: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/7F77F82A-0692-437B-854A-92B848DAA193/OpenEarsSampleApp.app/AcousticModelEnglish.bundle/noisedict
    INFO: dict.c(213): Allocated 0 KiB for strings, 0 KiB for phones
    INFO: dict.c(345): 9 words read
    INFO: dict2pid.c(396): Building PID tables for dictionary
    INFO: dict2pid.c(406): Allocating 46^3 * 2 bytes (190 KiB) for word-initial triphones
    INFO: dict2pid.c(132): Allocated 51152 bytes (49 KiB) for word-final triphones
    INFO: dict2pid.c(196): Allocated 51152 bytes (49 KiB) for single-phone word triphones
    INFO: ngram_model_arpa.c(79): No \data\ mark in LM file
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(166): Will use memory-mapped I/O for LM file
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(220): ngrams 1=288, 2=562, 3=580
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(266):      288 = LM.unigrams(+trailer) read
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(312):      562 = LM.bigrams(+trailer) read
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(338):      580 = LM.trigrams read
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(363):       44 = LM.prob2 entries read
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(383):       55 = LM.bo_wt2 entries read
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(403):       14 = LM.prob3 entries read
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(431):        2 = LM.tseg_base entries read
    INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(487):      288 = ascii word strings read
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(99): 181 unique initial diphones
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(148): 0 root, 0 non-root channels, 15 single-phone words
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(186): Creating search tree
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(192): before: 0 root, 0 non-root channels, 15 single-phone words
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(326): after: max nonroot chan increased to 870
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(339): after: 181 root, 742 non-root channels, 14 single-phone words
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(157): fwdflat: min_ef_width = 4, max_sf_win = 25
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.780 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Listening.
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.782 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Project has these words or phrases in its dictionary:
    ...and 331 more.
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.783 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Recognition loop has started
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.805 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] Local callback: Pocketsphinx is now listening.
    2015-02-24 11:22:58.807 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] Local callback: Pocketsphinx started.
    2015-02-24 11:22:59.664 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Speech detected...
    2015-02-24 11:22:59.664 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] Local callback: Pocketsphinx has detected speech.
    2015-02-24 11:22:59.665 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682511] Pocketsphinx heard "" with a score of (-566) and an utterance ID of 0.
    2015-02-24 11:22:59.801 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "" with a score of (-2529) and an utterance ID of 1.
    2015-02-24 11:22:59.920 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682511] Pocketsphinx heard "" with a score of (-3784) and an utterance ID of 2.
    2015-02-24 11:23:00.068 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "" with a score of (-6509) and an utterance ID of 3.
    2015-02-24 11:23:00.188 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682511] Pocketsphinx heard "" with a score of (-7701) and an utterance ID of 4.
    2015-02-24 11:23:00.324 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "" with a score of (-10085) and an utterance ID of 5.
    2015-02-24 11:23:00.418 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682511] Pocketsphinx heard "" with a score of (-11250) and an utterance ID of 6.
    2015-02-24 11:23:00.568 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "" with a score of (-12398) and an utterance ID of 7.
    2015-02-24 11:23:00.706 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682511] Pocketsphinx heard "" with a score of (-15133) and an utterance ID of 8.
    2015-02-24 11:23:00.829 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "" with a score of (-16542) and an utterance ID of 9.
    2015-02-24 11:23:00.969 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682511] Pocketsphinx heard "I" with a score of (-19572) and an utterance ID of 10.
    2015-02-24 11:23:01.071 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES" with a score of (-20421) and an utterance ID of 11.
    2015-02-24 11:23:01.208 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "MINUTE" with a score of (-22002) and an utterance ID of 12.
    2015-02-24 11:23:01.355 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES" with a score of (-25153) and an utterance ID of 13.
    2015-02-24 11:23:01.471 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES UNION" with a score of (-26544) and an utterance ID of 14.
    INFO: ngram_search.c(462): Resized backpointer table to 10000 entries
    2015-02-24 11:23:01.597 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND" with a score of (-28045) and an utterance ID of 15.
    INFO: ngram_search.c(470): Resized score stack to 200000 entries
    2015-02-24 11:23:01.739 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN" with a score of (-30721) and an utterance ID of 16.
    2015-02-24 11:23:01.853 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN" with a score of (-32227) and an utterance ID of 17.
    2015-02-24 11:23:01.987 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN" with a score of (-34990) and an utterance ID of 18.
    2015-02-24 11:23:02.111 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN AND" with a score of (-36722) and an utterance ID of 19.
    2015-02-24 11:23:02.234 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN AND US" with a score of (-37995) and an utterance ID of 20.
    2015-02-24 11:23:02.360 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK" with a score of (-39845) and an utterance ID of 21.
    2015-02-24 11:23:02.457 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO" with a score of (-40702) and an utterance ID of 22.
    2015-02-24 11:23:02.619 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO" with a score of (-42451) and an utterance ID of 23.
    2015-02-24 11:23:02.754 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO IT" with a score of (-45969) and an utterance ID of 24.
    2015-02-24 11:23:02.873 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT" with a score of (-46358) and an utterance ID of 25.
    2015-02-24 11:23:03.005 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO" with a score of (-49133) and an utterance ID of 26.
    2015-02-24 11:23:03.130 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO THE" with a score of (-50538) and an utterance ID of 27.
    2015-02-24 11:23:03.258 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF" with a score of (-51699) and an utterance ID of 28.
    2015-02-24 11:23:03.358 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO THE FOR" with a score of (-52540) and an utterance ID of 29.
    INFO: ngram_search.c(462): Resized backpointer table to 20000 entries
    2015-02-24 11:23:03.530 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO REPORT" with a score of (-55712) and an utterance ID of 30.
    INFO: ngram_search.c(470): Resized score stack to 400000 entries
    2015-02-24 11:23:03.649 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO REPORT US" with a score of (-58664) and an utterance ID of 31.
    2015-02-24 11:23:03.772 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE" with a score of (-59714) and an utterance ID of 32.
    2015-02-24 11:23:03.902 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE" with a score of (-61477) and an utterance ID of 33.
    2015-02-24 11:23:04.033 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE" with a score of (-63708) and an utterance ID of 34.
    2015-02-24 11:23:04.154 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE YOU" with a score of (-64967) and an utterance ID of 35.
    2015-02-24 11:23:04.283 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE YOU" with a score of (-66127) and an utterance ID of 36.
    2015-02-24 11:23:04.415 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION" with a score of (-68325) and an utterance ID of 37.
    2015-02-24 11:23:04.541 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION" with a score of (-69488) and an utterance ID of 38.
    2015-02-24 11:23:04.682 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE" with a score of (-71619) and an utterance ID of 39.
    2015-02-24 11:23:04.809 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE" with a score of (-73277) and an utterance ID of 40.
    2015-02-24 11:23:04.938 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THE" with a score of (-74505) and an utterance ID of 41.
    2015-02-24 11:23:05.093 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT" with a score of (-77402) and an utterance ID of 42.
    2015-02-24 11:23:05.192 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT" with a score of (-78968) and an utterance ID of 43.
    2015-02-24 11:23:05.321 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT FOR" with a score of (-80339) and an utterance ID of 44.
    2015-02-24 11:23:05.482 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO" with a score of (-83430) and an utterance ID of 45.
    2015-02-24 11:23:05.589 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TO" with a score of (-84886) and an utterance ID of 46.
    2015-02-24 11:23:05.732 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-87670) and an utterance ID of 47.
    2015-02-24 11:23:05.832 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-88852) and an utterance ID of 48.
    2015-02-24 11:23:05.955 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-90125) and an utterance ID of 49.
    2015-02-24 11:23:06.098 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-92714) and an utterance ID of 50.
    2015-02-24 11:23:06.212 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-94121) and an utterance ID of 51.
    2015-02-24 11:23:06.341 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-95209) and an utterance ID of 52.
    2015-02-24 11:23:06.483 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682511] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-97521) and an utterance ID of 53.
    2015-02-24 11:23:06.604 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-98804) and an utterance ID of 54.
    2015-02-24 11:23:06.739 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682511] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-101043) and an utterance ID of 55.
    2015-02-24 11:23:06.849 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-102183) and an utterance ID of 56.
    2015-02-24 11:23:06.982 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682511] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-103308) and an utterance ID of 57.
    2015-02-24 11:23:07.121 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-105634) and an utterance ID of 58.
    2015-02-24 11:23:07.239 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-107039) and an utterance ID of 59.
    2015-02-24 11:23:07.374 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-108920) and an utterance ID of 60.
    2015-02-24 11:23:07.495 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-110221) and an utterance ID of 61.
    2015-02-24 11:23:07.623 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-111438) and an utterance ID of 62.
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(99): cmn_prior_update: from < 40.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 >
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(116): cmn_prior_update: to   < 38.55  3.64  0.30  2.53 -16.00  0.61 -2.40 -5.05 -1.14 -3.27  0.45 -2.73 -1.83 >
    2015-02-24 11:23:07.761 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-113549) and an utterance ID of 63.
    INFO: ngram_search.c(462): Resized backpointer table to 40000 entries
    2015-02-24 11:23:07.883 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-115001) and an utterance ID of 64.
    2015-02-24 11:23:08.005 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-116112) and an utterance ID of 65.
    2015-02-24 11:23:08.155 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-118710) and an utterance ID of 66.
    2015-02-24 11:23:08.256 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-119761) and an utterance ID of 67.
    2015-02-24 11:23:08.398 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-121853) and an utterance ID of 68.
    2015-02-24 11:23:08.520 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-123268) and an utterance ID of 69.
    2015-02-24 11:23:08.645 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-124315) and an utterance ID of 70.
    2015-02-24 11:23:08.782 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-126232) and an utterance ID of 71.
    2015-02-24 11:23:08.898 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-127343) and an utterance ID of 72.
    2015-02-24 11:23:09.025 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-128239) and an utterance ID of 73.
    2015-02-24 11:23:09.178 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-131310) and an utterance ID of 74.
    2015-02-24 11:23:09.287 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-132743) and an utterance ID of 75.
    2015-02-24 11:23:09.422 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-134909) and an utterance ID of 76.
    2015-02-24 11:23:09.547 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-136506) and an utterance ID of 77.
    2015-02-24 11:23:09.675 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-137937) and an utterance ID of 78.
    INFO: ngram_search.c(470): Resized score stack to 800000 entries
    2015-02-24 11:23:09.812 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-140335) and an utterance ID of 79.
    2015-02-24 11:23:09.929 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-141720) and an utterance ID of 80.
    2015-02-24 11:23:10.052 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-142935) and an utterance ID of 81.
    2015-02-24 11:23:10.197 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-145528) and an utterance ID of 82.
    2015-02-24 11:23:10.309 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-146571) and an utterance ID of 83.
    2015-02-24 11:23:10.451 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-149075) and an utterance ID of 84.
    2015-02-24 11:23:10.569 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-150457) and an utterance ID of 85.
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(99): cmn_prior_update: from < 38.55  3.64  0.30  2.53 -16.00  0.61 -2.40 -5.05 -1.14 -3.27  0.45 -2.73 -1.83 >
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(116): cmn_prior_update: to   < 35.50  0.47 -1.35 -3.48 -14.35  0.11 -2.99 -3.03 -0.67 -2.25 -0.92 -2.48 -2.01 >
    2015-02-24 11:23:10.697 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY" with a score of (-151606) and an utterance ID of 86.
    2015-02-24 11:23:10.833 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-153884) and an utterance ID of 87.
    2015-02-24 11:23:10.948 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-154964) and an utterance ID of 88.
    2015-02-24 11:23:11.076 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-156121) and an utterance ID of 89.
    2015-02-24 11:23:11.226 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-159030) and an utterance ID of 90.
    2015-02-24 11:23:11.332 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-159973) and an utterance ID of 91.
    2015-02-24 11:23:11.476 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-162537) and an utterance ID of 92.
    2015-02-24 11:23:11.588 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-163505) and an utterance ID of 93.
    2015-02-24 11:23:11.712 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-164468) and an utterance ID of 94.
    2015-02-24 11:23:11.860 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-167068) and an utterance ID of 95.
    2015-02-24 11:23:11.980 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-168647) and an utterance ID of 96.
    2015-02-24 11:23:12.103 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-169989) and an utterance ID of 97.
    2015-02-24 11:23:12.242 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-172205) and an utterance ID of 98.
    2015-02-24 11:23:12.361 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-173686) and an utterance ID of 99.
    2015-02-24 11:23:12.501 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-176359) and an utterance ID of 100.
    2015-02-24 11:23:12.612 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-177394) and an utterance ID of 101.
    2015-02-24 11:23:12.741 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-178409) and an utterance ID of 102.
    2015-02-24 11:23:12.877 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-180650) and an utterance ID of 103.
    2015-02-24 11:23:12.998 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-181843) and an utterance ID of 104.
    2015-02-24 11:23:13.125 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-183202) and an utterance ID of 105.
    2015-02-24 11:23:13.260 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-185733) and an utterance ID of 106.
    2015-02-24 11:23:13.379 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-187283) and an utterance ID of 107.
    2015-02-24 11:23:13.517 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-189318) and an utterance ID of 108.
    2015-02-24 11:23:13.637 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-190550) and an utterance ID of 109.
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(99): cmn_prior_update: from < 35.50  0.47 -1.35 -3.48 -14.35  0.11 -2.99 -3.03 -0.67 -2.25 -0.92 -2.48 -2.01 >
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(116): cmn_prior_update: to   < 33.78 -1.72 -3.09 -7.05 -12.22  0.75 -3.76 -1.93 -0.61 -2.06 -1.18 -2.15 -2.70 >
    2015-02-24 11:23:13.768 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-191855) and an utterance ID of 110.
    2015-02-24 11:23:13.908 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-194111) and an utterance ID of 111.
    2015-02-24 11:23:14.025 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-195581) and an utterance ID of 112.
    2015-02-24 11:23:14.170 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-198206) and an utterance ID of 113.
    2015-02-24 11:23:14.277 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-199232) and an utterance ID of 114.
    2015-02-24 11:23:14.404 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-200253) and an utterance ID of 115.
    2015-02-24 11:23:14.547 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-202742) and an utterance ID of 116.
    2015-02-24 11:23:14.664 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-204195) and an utterance ID of 117.
    2015-02-24 11:23:14.796 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-205604) and an utterance ID of 118.
    2015-02-24 11:23:14.940 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-208156) and an utterance ID of 119.
    2015-02-24 11:23:15.051 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-209721) and an utterance ID of 120.
    2015-02-24 11:23:15.195 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-212354) and an utterance ID of 121.
    2015-02-24 11:23:15.308 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-213980) and an utterance ID of 122.
    2015-02-24 11:23:15.439 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT" with a score of (-215390) and an utterance ID of 123.
    2015-02-24 11:23:15.582 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO" with a score of (-217674) and an utterance ID of 124.
    2015-02-24 11:23:15.691 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO" with a score of (-218903) and an utterance ID of 125.
    2015-02-24 11:23:15.816 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO" with a score of (-219924) and an utterance ID of 126.
    2015-02-24 11:23:15.963 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO" with a score of (-222795) and an utterance ID of 127.
    2015-02-24 11:23:16.077 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO THE" with a score of (-224236) and an utterance ID of 128.
    2015-02-24 11:23:16.227 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO" with a score of (-226739) and an utterance ID of 129.
    2015-02-24 11:23:16.330 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO" with a score of (-227994) and an utterance ID of 130.
    2015-02-24 11:23:16.454 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO" with a score of (-229185) and an utterance ID of 131.
    2015-02-24 11:23:16.611 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-232118) and an utterance ID of 132.
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(99): cmn_prior_update: from < 33.78 -1.72 -3.09 -7.05 -12.22  0.75 -3.76 -1.93 -0.61 -2.06 -1.18 -2.15 -2.70 >
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(116): cmn_prior_update: to   < 31.83 -2.02 -0.95 -6.99 -10.59  0.47 -5.00 -2.46 -1.26 -2.39 -0.99 -1.36 -3.03 >
    2015-02-24 11:23:16.714 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-233421) and an utterance ID of 133.
    2015-02-24 11:23:16.842 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-234434) and an utterance ID of 134.
    2015-02-24 11:23:16.990 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-237006) and an utterance ID of 135.
    2015-02-24 11:23:17.101 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-238477) and an utterance ID of 136.
    2015-02-24 11:23:17.256 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-241334) and an utterance ID of 137.
    2015-02-24 11:23:17.354 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-242508) and an utterance ID of 138.
    2015-02-24 11:23:17.482 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682512] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-243821) and an utterance ID of 139.
    2015-02-24 11:23:17.620 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-246282) and an utterance ID of 140.
    2015-02-24 11:23:17.737 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-247530) and an utterance ID of 141.
    2015-02-24 11:23:17.882 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-250202) and an utterance ID of 142.
    2015-02-24 11:23:17.995 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-251539) and an utterance ID of 143.
    2015-02-24 11:23:18.116 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-252716) and an utterance ID of 144.
    2015-02-24 11:23:18.254 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-255155) and an utterance ID of 145.
    2015-02-24 11:23:18.368 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-256405) and an utterance ID of 146.
    2015-02-24 11:23:18.498 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-257390) and an utterance ID of 147.
    2015-02-24 11:23:18.640 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-259833) and an utterance ID of 148.
    2015-02-24 11:23:18.755 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-260830) and an utterance ID of 149.
    INFO: ngram_search.c(462): Resized backpointer table to 80000 entries
    2015-02-24 11:23:18.895 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-263004) and an utterance ID of 150.
    2015-02-24 11:23:19.012 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-263993) and an utterance ID of 151.
    2015-02-24 11:23:19.140 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-264981) and an utterance ID of 152.
    2015-02-24 11:23:19.274 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-266938) and an utterance ID of 153.
    2015-02-24 11:23:19.396 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-268072) and an utterance ID of 154.
    2015-02-24 11:23:19.527 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-269430) and an utterance ID of 155.
    2015-02-24 11:23:19.667 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-272326) and an utterance ID of 156.
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(99): cmn_prior_update: from < 31.83 -2.02 -0.95 -6.99 -10.59  0.47 -5.00 -2.46 -1.26 -2.39 -0.99 -1.36 -3.03 >
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(116): cmn_prior_update: to   < 29.28 -2.40  0.42 -5.45 -8.42 -0.39 -4.71 -2.54 -2.18 -3.34 -1.10 -0.52 -2.86 >
    2015-02-24 11:23:19.784 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-273658) and an utterance ID of 157.
    2015-02-24 11:23:19.931 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-276155) and an utterance ID of 158.
    2015-02-24 11:23:20.043 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-277528) and an utterance ID of 159.
    2015-02-24 11:23:20.175 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-278924) and an utterance ID of 160.
    2015-02-24 11:23:20.310 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-281475) and an utterance ID of 161.
    2015-02-24 11:23:20.425 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-282850) and an utterance ID of 162.
    2015-02-24 11:23:20.560 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-284624) and an utterance ID of 163.
    2015-02-24 11:23:20.702 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-286950) and an utterance ID of 164.
    2015-02-24 11:23:20.810 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-288453) and an utterance ID of 165.
    2015-02-24 11:23:20.950 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-291128) and an utterance ID of 166.
    2015-02-24 11:23:21.065 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-292479) and an utterance ID of 167.
    2015-02-24 11:23:21.195 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-294043) and an utterance ID of 168.
    2015-02-24 11:23:21.328 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-296221) and an utterance ID of 169.
    2015-02-24 11:23:21.444 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-297360) and an utterance ID of 170.
    2015-02-24 11:23:21.581 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-298737) and an utterance ID of 171.
    2015-02-24 11:23:21.725 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-301633) and an utterance ID of 172.
    2015-02-24 11:23:21.833 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-302918) and an utterance ID of 173.
    2015-02-24 11:23:21.981 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-305616) and an utterance ID of 174.
    2015-02-24 11:23:22.088 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-307146) and an utterance ID of 175.
    2015-02-24 11:23:22.216 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-308520) and an utterance ID of 176.
    2015-02-24 11:23:22.368 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-311406) and an utterance ID of 177.
    2015-02-24 11:23:22.470 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-312404) and an utterance ID of 178.
    2015-02-24 11:23:22.596 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-313339) and an utterance ID of 179.
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(99): cmn_prior_update: from < 29.28 -2.40  0.42 -5.45 -8.42 -0.39 -4.71 -2.54 -2.18 -3.34 -1.10 -0.52 -2.86 >
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(116): cmn_prior_update: to   < 31.75 -2.61  0.73 -6.38 -11.72 -2.95 -4.46 -2.46 -1.60 -2.84 -1.81 -0.63 -3.04 >
    2015-02-24 11:23:22.744 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-315945) and an utterance ID of 180.
    2015-02-24 11:23:22.851 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-316946) and an utterance ID of 181.
    2015-02-24 11:23:22.991 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-319045) and an utterance ID of 182.
    2015-02-24 11:23:23.113 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-320443) and an utterance ID of 183.
    2015-02-24 11:23:23.217 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-321687) and an utterance ID of 184.
    2015-02-24 11:23:23.377 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-323874) and an utterance ID of 185.
    2015-02-24 11:23:23.495 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-325136) and an utterance ID of 186.
    2015-02-24 11:23:23.643 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-327697) and an utterance ID of 187.
    2015-02-24 11:23:23.751 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-328953) and an utterance ID of 188.
    2015-02-24 11:23:23.880 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-330016) and an utterance ID of 189.
    2015-02-24 11:23:24.021 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-332387) and an utterance ID of 190.
    2015-02-24 11:23:24.138 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-333555) and an utterance ID of 191.
    2015-02-24 11:23:24.257 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-334634) and an utterance ID of 192.
    2015-02-24 11:23:24.411 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-337365) and an utterance ID of 193.
    2015-02-24 11:23:24.519 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-338447) and an utterance ID of 194.
    2015-02-24 11:23:24.665 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] An utterance appears to be stuck in listening mode. Exiting stuck utterance.
    2015-02-24 11:23:24.665 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682513] Pocketsphinx heard "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PLANNED TO SPEAK TO TONIGHT TO OF WAS STATE OF THE UNION BUT THE THAT OR WHO TODAY THAT WHO ALL" with a score of (-341037) and an utterance ID of 195.
    2015-02-24 11:23:24.666 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682626] End of speech detected...
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(131): cmn_prior_update: from < 31.75 -2.61  0.73 -6.38 -11.72 -2.95 -4.46 -2.46 -1.60 -2.84 -1.81 -0.63 -3.04 >
    INFO: cmn_prior.c(149): cmn_prior_update: to   < 29.99 -3.09  1.51 -5.54 -10.13 -2.46 -4.95 -2.14 -2.03 -1.58 -1.64 -0.93 -3.15 >
    2015-02-24 11:23:24.668 OpenEarsSampleApp[4577:1682495] Local callback: Pocketsphinx has detected a second of silence, concluding an utterance.
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1550):    50165 words recognized (20/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1552):  4959313 senones evaluated (1975/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1556):  2795425 channels searched (1113/fr), 451447 1st, 1205848 last
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1559):    81812 words for which last channels evaluated (32/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1561):   308463 candidate words for entering last phone (122/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1564): fwdtree 4.85 CPU 0.193 xRT
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1567): fwdtree 25.65 wall 1.021 xRT
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(302): Utterance vocabulary contains 225 words
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(938):    36760 words recognized (15/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(940):  2235311 senones evaluated (890/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(942):  2061030 channels searched (820/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(944):   109145 words searched (43/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(947):    66051 word transitions (26/fr)
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(950): fwdflat 2.34 CPU 0.093 xRT
    INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(953): fwdflat 2.38 wall 0.095 xRT
    INFO: ngram_search.c(1215): </s> not found in last frame, using UP.2509 instead
    INFO: ngram_search.c(1268): lattice start node <s>.0 end node UP.2500
    INFO: ngram_search.c(1294): Eliminated 15 nodes before end node

    I tested on iPhone5s and iOS 8.1.3


    Halle Winkler

    Thank you for the excellent replication example – I will check it out as soon as there is time and give you some feedback or let you know if there is a bug.

    Halle Winkler


    Sorry for the delay. This seems to just be an expected delay as a result of there being sound in the background (ping-pong and conversation) which is extending the recognition period so it can’t complete when the intentional speech is done.

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
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