Return hypothesis

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  • #11350

    Hi halle,

    The issue on “App crash when KGetNbest is enabled” has been resolved in Openears 1.2.2, decided to post here since i can’t find the post thread. When i started testing in Openears 1.2.2 i found out that sometimes it returns only 2 out of the 5 hypothesis when KGetNbest is enabled. Does this means the remaining 3 contain NULL?

    2012-09-26 19:18:57.115 OpenEarsSampleApp[19013:10703] Pocketsphinx has detected speech.
    2012-09-26 19:18:58.117 OpenEarsSampleApp[19013:10703] Pocketsphinx has detected a second of silence, concluding an utterance.
    2012-09-26 19:18:58.128 OpenEarsSampleApp[19013:10703] The received hypothesis is RIGHT with a score of 0 and an ID of 000000010
    2012-09-26 19:18:58.129 OpenEarsSampleApp[19013:10703] hypothesisArray is (
    Hypothesis = RIGHT;
    Score = “-2313”;
    Hypothesis = RIGHT;
    Score = “-768629”;

    Halle Winkler

    Correct, that was actually the origin of the crash — when there is a null hyp in nbest, Pocketsphinx doesn’t malloc an nbest structure at all, and my function was unaware of that and trying to release the same number of nbests as was requested. Seeing fewer than your maximum is a sign that everything is working.


    ok… thanks for the update

    Halle Winkler

    Thanks for the heads-up that this isn’t self-evident, I have added it to the documentation.

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