Boosting flite gain

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    I’m using flitecontroller to generate wav files; I’ve modified the openears framework accordingly, saving the file instead of sending it to the AVSoundPlayer to speak. I play the wavs with an existing (cocos2d-based) sound engine.

    However I would like to increase the volume of the flite output. Relative to music at the same volume setting, its very hard to hear.

    I found the flit->gain in rate_conv.c, set to 0.8. I’ve tried setting this as high as 20 but I think it only goes up to 1.0. In any event, its still too low for me.

    The app I’m using this in previously used speech files generated on a server using Festival, and to make those loud enough I had passed a -scale parameter of 2 to the text2wave program. I don’t really see any corresponding volume scaling feature in flite.

    Any thoughts?

    Halle Winkler


    I think in this case I’d just write a little gain-increasing method to loop through buffers of the returned TTS speech right before they are added to the virtual WAV file in FliteController and boost them. I like this StackOverflow thread for a good starting point:



    That SO question has the goods. I’m not much for C programming, but I know how to use a C function in an Obj C class, so I used the ScaleAudioFileAmplitude function shown there.

    This probably is a bit wasteful, as my modified flitecontroller writes the data to file then reads/writes it again with the amplification, but it works very well. And quicker than me figuring out how to iterate through the data part of the buffer in memory.

    Halle Winkler

    I think that’s a sensible solution. There are a lot of places in buffer operations to make little mistakes that can waste a day or more.

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