Play sound by AVAudioPlayer when using openers

Home Forums OpenEars Play sound by AVAudioPlayer when using openers

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  • #1027108

    Hi Halle,

    In my app, When i use openears, for some reasons i need to play some sounds.
    But the volume was very low, when i use AVAudioPlayer.

    I try to setCategory as AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, but it does not work.
    The volume was high when i setCategory as AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback, but openears can not hear voice.

    Do you know how to solve this problem? or can you give me any hints about this?

    Thank you!

    Halle Winkler


    The volume shouldn’t be low for AVAudioPlayer unless something else has overridden the audio session already, or you are using the VoiceChat audio mode. Make sure to let OpenEars make its own audio session settings by not changing them yourself or letting other SDKs override the settings that OpenEars needs to make use of.

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